My last hope. Help me id this sexy babe with wing tattoos

Please help me guys. This girl does some stripping in the midwest and won Miss Nude Minnesota 2008 and goes by the name of talon. I know she went to Cali and Florida and did some work on webcam and worked in porn. However, I cant find her porn name anywhere to find her stuff. That's where all of you come in to save the day. Shes got 2 large angel wings on her back, and a pair of pistols tattooed on her hips. Shes also got the letters "VIP" tattooed above her pussy. Thanks in advance. -poppa


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You are right that Talon was Deja Vu's Miss Nude Minnesota in 2008 - she danced in Minnesota for 4-5 years and now dances at a club in the Melbourne Florida area. She does not do porn or webcam but she was the pole dancer several years ago on some Jerry Springer pay per view. Hope this helps
Yes, she was on springer.......making out with next door nikki (nikki Simms). But I am almost certain she did some other work.......anyone?
My last hope. Help me id this sexy babe with wing tattoos

come on guys
i mean come on
come on
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hey. its talon
not gunna lie its a lil weird that you uploaded all these pics of me on here. (note to self make myspace private)

anyway the guy below was correct im living in fl now. i have never nor will i ever do porn. not happening, so thats why you cant find any of my "work" anyway hope all is well and thanks for being such an "avid" fan i guess....

ps....if you knew how to find these pics why not just msg me on myspace?!?!