I hope you read this one Pam. You said this in a video in the last quarter of 2024. You talked about California, you talked specifically about 'hollywood" and though you were generic, my best recollection because I'm not sure what video it was in, you said that California and hollywood would be experiencing challenges in the early part of this year. I respect you and the power of astrology more than ever. You talked also about how we would need a lot more compassion in 2025 to handle the changes that would hopefully lead us to a better way, a better humanity and a better world. The curretn fires in LA and hollywood and the cancellation of hollywood's stupid award events is demonstration enough of what you have been saying. Thank you. Peace Camille
The biggest shift i felt during this nodal (Aries /Libra) period has been training myself to turn inward for connection to source rather than looking for it in my friendships. Sovereignty feels so liberating because I have been a pleaser due to past trauma which is healing rapidly. ❤🎉
Words can not express the gratitude and pride I have of you as a soul living your full self inorder to ripple the change through consciousness now. Thank you Pam Gregory. You are truly a treasure.
"The way out is the way in." Thank you Pam, what a pleasure listening to you - so beautiful, so rich, so enlightening and so spiritlifting! SO MUCH LOVE TO YOU 💝
Thank you very much Pam...The Pisces N.N leaves my 12th house and opposes my Saturn in Virgo ....for 18 month I'll have my 11th house activated . So happy to find this video today , just what I needed .. Love the Heather quote , she's a wonderful person , get a much help from watching her . Listening to you today I'm most thankful that I am enjoying perfect health ! At 76 I'm effortlessly at my High School weight . Pharma Free , Vegan Hippy Healer . I realized the other day how key being able to laugh is ... ...got to have a healthy sense of humor which can be challenging with all the misery in the world . The gift of living a long colorful life is being used to living on the edge . ... remembering scenarios where finding something in me that was amused but where I was ..and I would start laughing and things got better . Laughter Heals .
It’s the year of the number 9. Also another way to ground other then grounding mats. Eat root vegetables. Any vegetables that are rooted. Will help with grounding too. 🔥❤️🦋
This is utterly fascinating. And synchronistic because this is the exact information I needed. My brother transitioned Oct. 13 from cancer at 22. My deep dive has been about a year long, but I am just now reaching past lives as I obsessively watch NDE stories on youtube. My south node is conjunct Roman's Mars (pioneers) and his South node is conjunct my Jupiter (expansion). Roman and I are each other creative advisors, him as a film maker and me as an installation artist. Our bond was all about anticipation, critique, fantasy, and challenging what was popular. Thank you for this key.
Thanks Dear Pam for the deep wisdom you so willingly share❤ The 18-month increments you speak of, resonates totally with me. 18-months ago I sold my home of 23-yrs and moved to a new county. I did this without a lot of planning, at the ripe age of 69. I surrendered and trusted the Universe. Yes, there have been surprises and challenges, but 18-months later I'm happy and at peace. With my next 18-month increment upon me, I'm once again trusting the Universe. Sending you much Love, Light and Harmony☘️💚☘️
Thank you Pam....Just watched Episode 43 of Neil Oliver's, 'Love letters to the world" about Ghegnis Khan and the way in which he, was 'taken out', so to speak is a legendary, active statement for womankind saving humanity.... So much transformation possible in Peace, Bliss, Love, Kindness, Compassion!!
I watch all of these videos--and rewatch and rewatch--then show highlights to my husband and/or kids...then watch again!! So, so many thanks for the colossal service you are doing all of humanity in posting these, Pam. Thank you.
Definitely helpful! Love and thanks from Northern California (fires are in southern California). Especially the reminders to eat healthy, take care of our bodies. Thank you 🙏💖 And Much love to ALL 🙏💖
December 2007 I finished my studies and entered a flailing job market. This time I create my own opportunities. Oh how differently I see it all now. Thanks in no small part to your videos which are so helpful. "If you know something then you can do something with it or about it." Blessings Pam.
It's so heartwarming & encouraging when I hear you say how we're returning to the natural healing Pam...since opening my heart & mind to how we can be healed so simply,I feel no fear of illness any longer. Time now to embrace the magic, it's all around us & will always guide us to what we need...once we 'surrender' it all comes shining through. Joy & warmth to you as always,you really are the welcome fairy in our lives, always bringing positive light🧚♂️💕🙌 😊🐶
Dear Pam thank you so much, really helpful I was feeling a little jaded with all that’s going on ‘out there’, and then I saw your lovely smiling face and listened and was cheered . You never fail Lovely Pam ! Heartfelt hugs to you, and love sent right back to you. 💕✨✨✨✨
Oh My Goodness Pam! I am finally having time to catch up on videos tonight and here you are, dear angel talking about the Nodal Axis in 4th and 10th house LOL Yes, my dear. Mine exactly. Career and Family as I launch my new book and see my adult children healed and whole and have just completed a visit with three of the four in such a harmonious and happy new space precisely 12 days ago. Feeling so blessed I have no words . Thank you. Thank you!!!
Hahaha, I’ve got one more hunger wave to work through for this 72 hour fast that I started the other day! I also sat in ayahuasca ceremonies in Peru last year and met someone (day after the libra lunar eclipse in March 2024) who I’ve since reconnected with (a month or two after the libra solar eclipse happened conjunct my ascendant in October) and we’ll be collaborating on a creative project together focused on authenticity, healing, vulnerability & intimacy 🥰💜🌟 A LOT of energetic space has been cleared in both of our lives, with more to come, and we’re both super excited for the journey ahead. His Pluto is conjunct my natal north node in Scorpio, and Venus my chart ruler is conjunct my own north node. He is SO my grounding force and we both help each other channel our creativity and joy more freely. Thank you for sharing your knowledge 🙏🏽😊
Incredible as always Pam! My North node is in Pisces/Virgo so stepping into this alignment on the 11th Jan is amazing! My higher self has told me that each year we have life themes. My life theme in 2024 was "Letting Go' so as you can imagine, a lot of shadow work showed up for healing. This year my life theme is "New Beginnings" so this alignment makes perfect sense. Happy New Year everyone! x
I have learned so much from your videos. They are always informing us to go deeper into our soul consciousness. I have been on that path since I was a young teen and resonate so keenly with that positive encouragement to hold the light and keep on keepin' on! 🙏 Thank you for shating your light and love! ❤
You are my go to astrologer here. I truly enjoy listening to you because you blend the study of astrology and spirituality so beautifully. You have an open mind about it, and your love for humanity always shines through. Grateful for your teachings 🙏 The nodes have transited my inner placements in Aries and I’ve grown so much. I’m excited for it to transit Pisces having a Pisces sun!
Oh my you can’t make this up ❤ My north node is conjunct within 3 degrees of my wife’s north node. And our daughters Sun is directly conjunct both our nodes on her birthday in the next few weeks inside 1-5 degrees. Wow. Incredible 😊 Thank you Pam for the last few minutes of your presentation regarding the nodes ❤
Thank you so much Pam. It’s been my nodal return for the last 18 months and it’s been brutal, some very difficult lessons and challenges but Im ending it a very different person. If you have yours approaching, good luck 🤍🙏🤍
@ I must have slept walked through my last one because this one has been unbelievable. It’s felt so hard at times. I feel like it will take a few years just to recover from the past 18 months x
This video has opened up a whole new layer and exciting territory for me. Am looking forward to diving deeper into the nodes as mine fascinate me but are quite unknown so far. Am fully stepping into my soul mission this year so I guess the Leo finally got out of her hiding place at age 44. (Leo North Node / Aquarius South Node) Thank you so much for all you generously share Pam. Love from Holland
This is kind of amusing Pam.. I don’t know how many times I have thought my daughter was my mother in a past life , but her being my father makes more sense and my pieces son my mother makes perfect sense. Cool stuff
Thank you, Pam, I just purchased your recommended videos and am excited to learn more. My natal NN is in Pisces as well as my youngest son and his wife. I’m going to enjoy this!
You are - as you will all be experiencing your Nodal Returns over the next 18 months where you feel you are on a mission, on the right track, on purpose etc. Px
Fabulous update and I absolutely loved your book on the nodes! 🥰What an exciting time to honor the healing frequencies of Gaia which I'm such many of us are already attuned to - sound vibration, ceremonial cacao, earthing, food energetics, sacred geometry, etc. Grateful that we'll have a water and earth axis amidst the growing air and fire coming in. Also, the deep soul connections you mention are spot on! My wife is a Virgo NN conjunct my sun and mercury... we have certainly shared many past lives together. Much love to this treasured 'family of frequency' ✴🧡
Fascinating stuff!! I am so grateful for you putting this information on the internet, Pam. Finding out my North Node, where I'm supposed to be going, has changed my life. I rememebrred some past lives before finding this out.. many of them involved grand public stature, part of royalty in Egypt.. having to maintain appearances, while never getting to fulfil my own emotional needs or dreams of having a family.. being able to authentically express myself was impossible. I deeply remember the pain of feeling so alone, disobeying my father's order to never to leave the temple grounds which eventually led to my death (Cancer South Node in 10th). Now im learning to work on my inner world in a structured, methodical way in the hopes of creating my dreams of having a family. There has been A LOT of ancestral healing work happening as well (Capricorn North Node in the 4th). It feels incredibly strange and new but im tapping into the soul fulfilment this new territory brings me every day!! 🙏
What a wonderful start to my day!! A BIG reminder.I'm delighted to now have my own grounding space ..a garden!Thank you dear Pam you are inspirational .LOVE LIGHT AND LAUGHTER ❤
Thank you so much for this dear Pam. Some years ago my daughter and I bought this book and your first one. With my north node in Aries and south in Libra - it’s time to delve into this! Thank you for the loving and wise direction you continue to give humanity, especially during this time of intense upheaval. Really heartfelt appreciation from so many people I know who listen to you. It’s so helpful to know the bigger picture. 🙏And thank you for signing our books! Much love and gratitude 🙏💖
My nodes are Pisces North in my eight house and my south node is in Virgo. When my interested in astrology began, no mention was made of the nodes. Thank you for your lovely book explaining this. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
"They" called it "ALTERNITIVE" in order too diminish NATURAL...SSSOOO sad 😔 that SSSOOO many have suffered because of!!! Thanks Pam 😊 another GRRREAT message!!! Sending LLLOOOVVVEEE and LIGHT ❤😊😊❤
Everything happens for a reason. I had never given much thought to astrology (probably because I was always so busy raising 7 children) other than when my Mom taught me to find and see the stars as a child and in younger years used to read my horoscope. I found (obviously brought to me😉) your channel a few months back and have been intrigued ever since. Being a newbie I still feel very confused about it all while at the same time find solitude in your explanations and soak up your calm soothing voice. You are a true gift to humanity and I am so grateful for your sharing of your knowledge and wisdom. 💜 I've always lived a minimal and simplistic life connected to mother Earth appreciating all that she provides. I'm excited to learn so much more about all this as it "feels" right. Bless you Pam. 🤗
Always, sending you light and love, Pam. I’m nearly 70 and would occasionally glance at the daily horoscope in the newspapers, which was vaguely accurate, but having found you on YT , has really opened insights into how there’s so much more. I even bought an app to run my own natal chart; still stunned at the spot on accuracy. Thank you, for opening my eyes to the cosmic connections- this is fascinating!
My partner & I met a year ago, started dating 8 months ago. I tell him first time I heard his voice (wasnt speaking to me), I knew we had a soul/spiritual connection. We're both in our 60s and are still in awe of our similar life experiences & how easily we flow together. Our nodes are opposites of each other. ❤
Fascinating information! I am very excited about Pisces season coming up! My birthday astrology looks quite interesting in late Feb. on the new moon/ Thank you for all your heart centered education.
One cannot thank you enough, Pam! Many blessings. (Kelli Sebastian Troutner, using her husband's email because I have liberated myself from social media...Hallelujah! ;} )
Hello Pam, I have learned so much from you. You have introduced us to so many varies of realities. I want to thank you for taking the leap into social media. I started watching you and Bracha back in April 4, 2020 when I had an awakening. I was receiving guidance to follow a family online if I can connect and that was so different to what I was living at the time. I have grown into my new self through the years and continue to follow you. I miss Bracha although I have watched her videos just recently and how she was so spot on. I wish her the best and miss her. I enjoy all the people you have had on and enjoy their content. I love many of your interview and try to catch your videos as much as possible. You are a must in these days. Keep up the excellent work you do! Deanna
God bless you too Pam. The information you share is invaluable for those who are sensitive so that we can be prepared emotionally and logically for what might be coming. As above so below as within as without. I’ve always felt that Earth was alive living being and truly our Mother. The Sun a super consciousness, a life bringer. Moon, planets and stars are the gods of the ancients. They sensed consciousness from the heavens. An innately natural understanding of their movements connecting to what happens in Earth. Those are not dead rocks in the sky randomly place by gravitational pull. They are conscious beings on the next level of higher beings on a universal scale. This what the Egyptians aspired to with their elaborate preparations preservation of the body. Pharaohs were thought to be going to that level of a star and become one. It’s interesting how they tell the tale. Astrology is so fascinating ❤🌟
Thank you Pam, it's so very inspiring. My husband's Sun is conjunct my North Node. He is here to illuminate my path, and has been doing so in so many ways. 💛
Wow I just love "surrendering to the flow!!!" So empowering. I feel like I have been personally moving towards this and letting go of the "stigma" of going with the flow. It is not a weakness, it is certainly a super power.!!!!
Dear Pam, Thank you so much for your beautiful videos, they’ve been so inspiring and helpful in understanding astrology and the energies around us. 💫✨ I wanted to share something with you. A few years ago, when I was meditating, I would look at the Sun after and see these tiny geometric sparkles, almost like diamonds everywhere. It was the most beautiful and peaceful light I’ve ever seen. Recently, though, it’s been harder for me to see that light. Maybe it’s a sign that now is the time for me to stop meditating so much and focus on being more practical and putting in the effort. Also, my North Node is in Virgo and my South Node is in Pisces, so this nodal shift feels like it’s going to bring some interesting energy for me! Sending you lots of love and light 💛🌟 Thank you for all you do! 💗🌸🙏
I'm looking forward to this. I'm about to go through my 2nd North Node return. Pisces in the 10th house and Virgo in the 4th. I'm definitely going to check out the books you've suggested 😊.
I was doing some stretching and grounding exercises while listening to this. Had to comment on the synchronicity of Pam's explaining the importance of the nodes in the natal charts of relationships. I don't usually go on like this but; it made sooo much sense. I met someone a few years ago, by happenstance a few days before Christmas. I was so taken aback when we met, literally feeling a current or, a jolt of lightening for hours after. I had to compare our natal charts. For starters, found out, our Uranus & Pluto are conj., 2 dgr. orb. Moreover, I saw that our Moons were 2-3 degrees apart in Cancer. Our Venuses were 2 degrees apart. Their Venus in Aries (also their Sun sign) is@the 1st degree. My Venus@the 29th degree, is in Pisces which, is my Sun sign. ...& that's just the beginning of the synchronicitous nature of our charts & our two ships "passing in the night. Obligations, on both our parts have us living thousands of miles apart. Yet, I find myself wondering about this person, often. Did I mention, that the 2024 eclipse in Aries was on their birthday? ...& the coming eclipse in Pisces is within 48 hrs of my solar return? I digress. So, yes &; THANK YOU, PAM. THIS REPORT MAKES SENSE. I'm deciding to Love More Loudly
Thank you Pam! 😇💙💜Your explanation of how conjunctions between the nodal axis and the planets of our loved ones can reveal karmic connections was fascinating. It left me reflecting on how these past-life patterns might be influencing current relationships in ways that aren’t always obvious but are profoundly significant. The possibility that roles like mother, father, or even battle companions could reappear in this life feels like a powerful tool for self-understanding. 🧡
The end of the age of darkness... right at the end of your video... oh, welcome. Thanks so much for all your comforting videos, your knowledge and delivery are impecable and so welcome, thank you, thank, thank you. Love and light 💖🌟💖🌟💖🌟💖🌟💖🌟
I have been watching you for many years, but watching your linked videos in the description, it was lovely to see how your voice has developed over time ❤️🙏 I bet you hear this all the time but you have a lovely voice
Pam, I’m a bit blown away. I must share. I’ve followed your videos for years, and it isn’t til recently that life has lead me to downloading my birth chart and actually looking at it myself (not sure what’s taken me so long). I decided to take a look today, January 11, 2025 after feeling a huge pull to. Turns out my natal NN is in Pisces. I learned literally on THE DAY of this transition that I’m entering this nodal return!!!!! I am dumbfounded and certain the divine wanted me to know this information. Thank you! Whew, I hope it’s all a good sign. NN in my 10th house, SN in my 4th.
Yes v positive - you will have a Natal Nodal Return in the next 18 months, a sense of purpose, rightness, being 'on your purpose'. Go back 18 years and see what was happening then, this time will vortex upwards from that in the same area of life - career most likely. x
Everytime I see a video from you, I am so happy. I live far away from my soultribe and these guides are my lifelines. Thank you from my heart! 🧡💫 Have moon in Pisces.
Thank you Pam! I've been watching the development of AI for the past few years and as an artist I can say that unfortunately it is completely upending the art industry. In terms of generative AI images, copyright laws are being broken on the largest scale yet seen in order to train AI to produce images by stealing millions of photos and artworks online. We don't have laws to regulate this, but it is currently a plagiarism machine taking people's art, voices, faces, and appropriating them in ways that are not good, and making a profit off this theft. I'm devastated that this is how this tech is being used currently, to replace human creators to line the pockets of billion dollar tech companies. The arts won't be the only field affected by this, and it will be harder to discern what is real and what isn't. So everyone, stay sharp! Get info from multiple sources and lean into your intuition. If it's too good to be true, it probably is.
I believe we will see true human creativity and understanding shine through and survive. Holding to that belief. I suspect it's going to feel like hanging onto a shabby badly broken raft for a long time. I'm for hanging on.
Dear God how grateful I am to you Pam, your videos are keeping me afloat and they pop up always in just the right moment. Thank you for sharing your knowledge from the depths of my heart! ❤🙏🏼😘
This was definitely "above my pay grade" as the saying goes but I'll understand astrology more as time goes on. It is always helpful to hear what you have to say right now. STEADY ON.
What a great video. Thanks Pam. I kept replaying as I compared my chart with family, friends and lovers. In a current intimate relationship my Pluto is conjunct his North Node. Very interesting. Makes so much sense to our current dynamic. I am definitely going to study the nodes more. Fascinating stuff!
Thank you Pam. Thanks to your guidance, I’m gliding through daily life joyfully, serenely and freely. Returning to you mega tons of energy ⚡️and Love ♥️from the other side of the Channel, Pascale 🥰
I looked at my mum’s and daughter’s nodes and compared them to my chart recently. My Saturn is conjunct my Mum’s SN and my daughter’s Saturn is conjunct my SN. Thank you for this explanation. My daughter is exactly as you described a daughter with this asoect! Lovely to have some clarity on this ❤
Wonderful Pam, you always leave me feeling so happy, thank you! I love astrology, I'm always drawn to it and having taken an evening class in Western Astrology many decades ago I have a basic understanding of the subject so I'm very excited by your info tonight and can't wait to see how things play out. I'll be buying your books too.
Dear Pam, I am grateful for all the heads up you give us to all...All your podcasts are to be listened several times and there is so much to learn from you, so much useful intresting inisght❤. Thank you from a Virgo Sun (Mercury,Mars) and Pisces moon (interesting no😅?). Now we have a 9 number in 2025 for our world and my personal year is 1and since 5 years or more I have been working on me. Our world and mother earth Gaia and me and all we now are worth of the truths,peace and harmony and joy. Wish to you and to all of us. Thank you Pam from Italy💜💫
OMG Pam your insights are amazingly mind blowing 🤯 especially the connection with past life and relationships. I knew from the first moment I met my current partner this is not the first live together. I REALLY felt timelines collapsing. Looking now at his birth chart, he has in his Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in house 11 which is my South note where I also have Neptune conjunct on the degree. I’ll contemplate this for sure. Thank you so much for your enormously helpful insights always. From my heart 💜 to yours.
I've also been in my Aries Libra nodal return 2H/8H (early degrees) went exact on 29 Dec 2024, added to that I am in Virgo 8th House profection year with both Jupiter and Neptune in my Solar Return first house/tenth house (respectively), expanding creativity but also dissolving many things (inside and out) and added a good dollop of confusion along the way... As I am about to enter my 9th House profection at the end of Jan, I look back and see its been a hell a TOUGH 2024, a diamond-type tough... Coming out enriched by all the hardship and pressure, not quite outta the woods, yet full of hope for a wondrous 2025 as I see all the cosmic support in my Solar Return ...✨ What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. 💪💕 TYSM Pam for all you do in the world. Lots of Love, from my heart's Light to Yours ✨🌺✨
Dear Pam, thank you for your ever so interesting and profound astrological updates. Neptune has been hovering over my MC for over 2 years now and will over it once more in 2025 in conjunction with the transiting North node. I've been unemployed since about the first passage of Neptune, i went back to school to study photography (Neptune!) but even after finishing that degree I feel lost as if i ran behind a Mirage. It definitely feels like a very foggy and confusing period but also very humbling and ego unmasking... I feel quite exhausted of this lostness. So I find your videos and voice very soothing and filled with sense and hope. I can't wait to pierce through the other side of the wave 🌊!
Thank you. I will continue to sleep grounded and use grounding/earthing footwear such as Earthrunner sandles, doing intermittent fasting with organic low carb veggies and occasional high carb high value items like wild rice, sprouted lentils, and properly soaked oats, lots of grass fed animal fats and organ meats (with great respect for all life forms that gave up their physical form so that I may continue my learning here a bit longer) and getting as much sun as I can without overdoing it. Iodine from seaweed too. Wim Hoff breathing, sauna, and cold exposure all serve to help with serving others well while enjoying the simple things along the way. Meditation on world peace every day seems almost urgent too. Blessings from across pond!
Thank you Pam.. brilliant was always... I have my north node at 4 degrees and 57 mins of Aquarius. Sounds like the orb of influence will definitely impact my north node, really good to know! I am starting a new chapter of my life in a big way this year. I have left a toxic work partnership with family. So, this Pluto's energy close to my north node sounds positive .. 💫💚
Thank you for explaining these nodal points and changes… it really helped me to understand better. I was born with my nodal points retrograding and so they were in 5th House Leo SN and 11th House Aquarius NN at 25* all my major relationships have been with (and still are) with partners with Virgo SN and Pisces NN…i will need to do some digging for some deeper knowledge and understandings…. Thank you Pam! Love your insights! Sending you Much Love from Vancouver Island! ♥️🙏🏼
Both me and my partner have our chirons conjunct the others North node and we have a lot of loving support and growth in our relationship!! Didn't realize it was a glue point for us, thank you xx
Pam, you are such a wise and comforting astrologer! Thank you for all that you do! I have been an armchair astrologer for decades. Just bought your book after watching this video! Looking forward to working with your book! Thank you so much for spreading your light!
Whoa fascinating!!! Gratitude for sharing your videos Pam, I can't wait to dig into this as I'' ve been "studing" my chart to find out so many answers . By the way, Sun, Jupiter & North node in my first house, Capricorn all conjunct. So North node moving into my 2nd house, moon sign !!!! So interesting 🤗 Much love💓
Thank you so very much as ever Pam 💗 my natal nodes have this position & this video brings the light and wisdom I needed! You forever ground me with your gifts, knowledge & heart x
I hope you read this one Pam. You said this in a video in the last quarter of 2024. You talked about California, you talked specifically about 'hollywood" and though you were generic, my best recollection because I'm not sure what video it was in, you said that California and hollywood would be experiencing challenges in the early part of this year. I respect you and the power of astrology more than ever. You talked also about how we would need a lot more compassion in 2025 to handle the changes that would hopefully lead us to a better way, a better humanity and a better world. The curretn fires in LA and hollywood and the cancellation of hollywood's stupid award events is demonstration enough of what you have been saying. Thank you. Peace Camille
22:15 I met my wife just like that…felt like we knew each other forever! Someone asked us how long we’d been married, on our first date 😂
The biggest shift i felt during this nodal (Aries /Libra) period has been training myself to turn inward for connection to source rather than looking for it in my friendships. Sovereignty feels so liberating because I have been a pleaser due to past trauma which is healing rapidly. ❤🎉
wow same here!
You are a light that shines brighter every time I listen to you. Amen
We are shifting from the head to the heart ❤❤❤
Shhhh, don’t wake me. I’m busy dreaming a new dream with you all ❤😴We’ve got this ✨💫✨💫
Words can not express the gratitude and pride I have of you as a soul living your full self inorder to ripple the change through consciousness now. Thank you Pam Gregory. You are truly a treasure.
"The way out is the way in." Thank you Pam, what a pleasure listening to you - so beautiful, so rich, so enlightening and so spiritlifting! SO MUCH LOVE TO YOU 💝
Pam, I have spent my day listening to your videos and am so pleased to see another. Thank you for your tireless offerings of love to the world.
Thank you very much Pam...The Pisces N.N leaves my 12th house and opposes my Saturn in Virgo ....for 18 month I'll have my 11th house activated .
So happy to find this video today , just what I needed .. Love the Heather quote , she's a wonderful person , get a much help from watching her . Listening to you today I'm most thankful that I am enjoying perfect health ! At 76 I'm effortlessly at my High School weight . Pharma Free , Vegan Hippy Healer .
I realized the other day how key being able to laugh is ... ...got to have a healthy sense of humor which can be challenging with all the misery in the world . The gift of living a long colorful life is being used to living on the edge . ... remembering scenarios where finding something in me that was amused but where I was ..and I would start laughing and things got better . Laughter Heals .
It’s the year of the number 9. Also another way to ground other then grounding mats. Eat root vegetables. Any vegetables that are rooted. Will help with grounding too. 🔥❤️🦋
Thank you 😍
Thank you for this great hint.
I have sun moon mars mercury and saturn in ♒️ and my partner has his S node in Aquarius and that is what I feel makes us tick ❤
My dad may have been my partner 😮
This is utterly fascinating. And synchronistic because this is the exact information I needed. My brother transitioned Oct. 13 from cancer at 22. My deep dive has been about a year long, but I am just now reaching past lives as I obsessively watch NDE stories on youtube. My south node is conjunct Roman's Mars (pioneers) and his South node is conjunct my Jupiter (expansion). Roman and I are each other creative advisors, him as a film maker and me as an installation artist. Our bond was all about anticipation, critique, fantasy, and challenging what was popular. Thank you for this key.
You never fail to uplift my spirit. Thank you for your insight & for being so constant, its a gift for us.❤
More and more I am noticing that that when I think of someone, almost instantly they either call or message me! This is a new for me😊
Me toooo sooo kool 🙌🏼
Thanks Dear Pam for the deep wisdom you so willingly share❤ The 18-month increments you speak of, resonates totally with me. 18-months ago I sold my home of 23-yrs and moved to a new county. I did this without a lot of planning, at the ripe age of 69. I surrendered and trusted the Universe. Yes, there have been surprises and challenges, but 18-months later I'm happy and at peace. With my next 18-month increment upon me, I'm once again trusting the Universe. Sending you much Love, Light and Harmony☘️💚☘️
Thank you Pam....Just watched Episode 43 of Neil Oliver's, 'Love letters to the world" about Ghegnis Khan and the way in which he, was 'taken out', so to speak is a legendary, active statement for womankind saving humanity....
So much transformation possible in Peace, Bliss, Love, Kindness, Compassion!!
This new axis is my natal nodal axis and the amount of relief, joy and return to myself I have felt recently is massive.
I agree. Mine also, feeling the same. I am an aries born march 26th 1988.
It's amazing that Oprah, just a few days before the nodal axis change, re-selects Eckhart Tolle's book for her book club! Wonderful Pisces gesture 🙏🐬
Nothing wonderful about Oprah.
I watch all of these videos--and rewatch and rewatch--then show highlights to my husband and/or kids...then watch again!! So, so many thanks for the colossal service you are doing all of humanity in posting these, Pam. Thank you.
Definitely helpful! Love and thanks from Northern California (fires are in southern California).
Especially the reminders to eat healthy, take care of our bodies. Thank you 🙏💖
And Much love to ALL 🙏💖
December 2007 I finished my studies and entered a flailing job market. This time I create my own opportunities. Oh how differently I see it all now. Thanks in no small part to your videos which are so helpful. "If you know something then you can do something with it or about it." Blessings Pam.
thank you for your encouraging Beginners to explore, you really want humanity to evolve. Thank you.
It's so heartwarming & encouraging when I hear you say how we're returning to the natural healing Pam...since opening my heart & mind to how we can be healed so simply,I feel no fear of illness any longer. Time now to embrace the magic, it's all around us & will always guide us to what we need...once we 'surrender' it all comes shining through. Joy & warmth to you as always,you really are the welcome fairy in our lives, always bringing positive light🧚♂️💕🙌 😊🐶
Dear Pam thank you so much, really helpful I was feeling a little jaded with all that’s going on ‘out there’, and then I saw your lovely smiling face and listened and was cheered . You never fail Lovely Pam ! Heartfelt hugs to you, and love sent right back to you. 💕✨✨✨✨
These 18 months went fast. I can't believe we're already transiting out of the Aries and Libra placement.
I've been listening to you for probably a decade, Pam but you never fail to inspire me, in every new broadcast 🙏🏻
Oh My Goodness Pam! I am finally having time to catch up on videos tonight and here you are, dear angel talking about the Nodal Axis in 4th and 10th house LOL Yes, my dear. Mine exactly. Career and Family as I launch my new book and see my adult children healed and whole and have just completed a visit with three of the four in such a harmonious and happy new space precisely 12 days ago. Feeling so blessed I have no words . Thank you. Thank you!!!
Thank you Pam, 29 degree pisces sun here looking forward to the change 🙏🏻
Hahaha, I’ve got one more hunger wave to work through for this 72 hour fast that I started the other day! I also sat in ayahuasca ceremonies in Peru last year and met someone (day after the libra lunar eclipse in March 2024) who I’ve since reconnected with (a month or two after the libra solar eclipse happened conjunct my ascendant in October) and we’ll be collaborating on a creative project together focused on authenticity, healing, vulnerability & intimacy 🥰💜🌟 A LOT of energetic space has been cleared in both of our lives, with more to come, and we’re both super excited for the journey ahead. His Pluto is conjunct my natal north node in Scorpio, and Venus my chart ruler is conjunct my own north node. He is SO my grounding force and we both help each other channel our creativity and joy more freely. Thank you for sharing your knowledge 🙏🏽😊
Incredible as always Pam! My North node is in Pisces/Virgo so stepping into this alignment on the 11th Jan is amazing! My higher self has told me that each year we have life themes. My life theme in 2024 was "Letting Go' so as you can imagine, a lot of shadow work showed up for healing. This year my life theme is "New Beginnings" so this alignment makes perfect sense. Happy New Year everyone! x
I have learned so much from your videos. They are always informing us to go deeper into our soul consciousness. I have been on that path since I was a young teen and resonate so keenly with that positive encouragement to hold the light and keep on keepin' on! 🙏 Thank you for shating your light and love! ❤
You are my go to astrologer here. I truly enjoy listening to you because you blend the study of astrology and spirituality so beautifully. You have an open mind about it, and your love for humanity always shines through. Grateful for your teachings 🙏
The nodes have transited my inner placements in Aries and I’ve grown so much. I’m excited for it to transit Pisces having a Pisces sun!
Oh my you can’t make this up ❤
My north node is conjunct within 3 degrees of my wife’s north node. And our daughters Sun is directly conjunct both our nodes on her birthday in the next few weeks inside 1-5 degrees. Wow. Incredible 😊
Thank you Pam for the last few minutes of your presentation regarding the nodes ❤
Thank you so much Pam. It’s been my nodal return for the last 18 months and it’s been brutal, some very difficult lessons and challenges but Im ending it a very different person. If you have yours approaching, good luck 🤍🙏🤍
Same, except it was my nodal reversal. It's been transformative, to say the least. NN about to enter my 1st house so that will also be interesting!
@ I must have slept walked through my last one because this one has been unbelievable. It’s felt so hard at times. I feel like it will take a few years just to recover from the past 18 months x
@@charikloangel33samzies. Going to be an interesting year for everyone. 🧸
What a journey, north node leaving my eighth house sun sign, south node entering my rising first Xx
Right there with you! A lot of transformation and revelations.
Wow! I love it when you make my brain work this hard😊 quite intriguing ❤ now I'm off to a new journey! Thanks Pam ❤
This video has opened up a whole new layer and exciting territory for me. Am looking forward to diving deeper into the nodes as mine fascinate me but are quite unknown so far. Am fully stepping into my soul mission this year so I guess the Leo finally got out of her hiding place at age 44.
(Leo North Node / Aquarius South Node)
Thank you so much for all you generously share Pam. Love from Holland
This is kind of amusing Pam.. I don’t know how many times I have thought my daughter was my mother in a past life , but her being my father makes more sense and my pieces son my mother makes perfect sense. Cool stuff
I get tickled when I think of how the chit’s going to hit the fan this year. Somehow you take the fear out. Thank you, Pam❤
Soooo fascinating the south nodes to people’s planets! Wow!
Thank you, Pam, I just purchased your recommended videos and am excited to learn more. My natal NN is in Pisces as well as my youngest son and his wife. I’m going to enjoy this!
You are - as you will all be experiencing your Nodal Returns over the next 18 months where you feel you are on a mission, on the right track, on purpose etc. Px
Fabulous update and I absolutely loved your book on the nodes! 🥰What an exciting time to honor the healing frequencies of Gaia which I'm such many of us are already attuned to - sound vibration, ceremonial cacao, earthing, food energetics, sacred geometry, etc. Grateful that we'll have a water and earth axis amidst the growing air and fire coming in. Also, the deep soul connections you mention are spot on! My wife is a Virgo NN conjunct my sun and mercury... we have certainly shared many past lives together. Much love to this treasured 'family of frequency' ✴🧡
Fascinating stuff!! I am so grateful for you putting this information on the internet, Pam. Finding out my North Node, where I'm supposed to be going, has changed my life. I rememebrred some past lives before finding this out.. many of them involved grand public stature, part of royalty in Egypt.. having to maintain appearances, while never getting to fulfil my own emotional needs or dreams of having a family.. being able to authentically express myself was impossible. I deeply remember the pain of feeling so alone, disobeying my father's order to never to leave the temple grounds which eventually led to my death (Cancer South Node in 10th). Now im learning to work on my inner world in a structured, methodical way in the hopes of creating my dreams of having a family. There has been A LOT of ancestral healing work happening as well (Capricorn North Node in the 4th). It feels incredibly strange and new but im tapping into the soul fulfilment this new territory brings me every day!! 🙏
The Nodes are so interesting and mysterious. Thank you Pam for imparting more knowledge about them. 💜
Miss Pamela ,
They’re simply no abstract in anything you say .
Glad to be aboard your ship.❤
What a wonderful start to my day!! A BIG reminder.I'm delighted to now have my own grounding space ..a garden!Thank you dear Pam you are inspirational .LOVE LIGHT AND LAUGHTER ❤
Thank you Pam. Blessings to All🙏🕯💓🕊
Thank you so much for this dear Pam. Some years ago my daughter and I bought this book and your first one. With my north node in Aries and south in Libra - it’s time to delve into this! Thank you for the loving and wise direction you continue to give humanity, especially during this time of intense upheaval. Really heartfelt appreciation from so many people I know who listen to you. It’s so helpful to know the bigger picture. 🙏And thank you for signing our books! Much love and gratitude 🙏💖
My nodes are Pisces North in my eight house and my south node is in Virgo. When my interested in astrology began, no mention was made of the nodes. Thank you for your lovely book explaining this. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you so much for your many uploads, i just love being present and listening to your voice while getting more knowledge. Thank you so much Pam
"They" called it "ALTERNITIVE" in order too diminish NATURAL...SSSOOO sad 😔 that SSSOOO many have suffered because of!!! Thanks Pam 😊 another GRRREAT message!!! Sending LLLOOOVVVEEE and LIGHT ❤😊😊❤
Everything happens for a reason. I had never given much thought to astrology (probably because I was always so busy raising 7 children) other than when my Mom taught me to find and see the stars as a child and in younger years used to read my horoscope. I found (obviously brought to me😉) your channel a few months back and have been intrigued ever since. Being a newbie I still feel very confused about it all while at the same time find solitude in your explanations and soak up your calm soothing voice. You are a true gift to humanity and I am so grateful for your sharing of your knowledge and wisdom. 💜 I've always lived a minimal and simplistic life connected to mother Earth appreciating all that she provides. I'm excited to learn so much more about all this as it "feels" right. Bless you Pam. 🤗
Always, sending you light and love, Pam. I’m nearly 70 and would occasionally glance at the daily horoscope in the newspapers, which was vaguely accurate, but having found you on YT , has really opened insights into how there’s so much more. I even bought an app to run my own natal chart; still stunned at the spot on accuracy. Thank you, for opening my eyes to the cosmic connections- this is fascinating!
My partner & I met a year ago, started dating 8 months ago. I tell him first time I heard his voice (wasnt speaking to me), I knew we had a soul/spiritual connection. We're both in our 60s and are still in awe of our similar life experiences & how easily we flow together. Our nodes are opposites of each other. ❤
Fascinating information! I am very excited about Pisces season coming up! My birthday astrology looks quite interesting in late Feb. on the new moon/ Thank you for all your heart centered education.
One cannot thank you enough, Pam! Many blessings. (Kelli Sebastian Troutner, using her husband's email because I have liberated myself from social media...Hallelujah! ;} )
Hello Pam, I have learned so much from you. You have introduced us to so many varies of realities. I want to thank you for taking the leap into social media. I started watching you and Bracha back in April 4, 2020 when I had an awakening. I was receiving guidance to follow a family online if I can connect and that was so different to what I was living at the time. I have grown into my new self through the years and continue to follow you. I miss Bracha although I have watched her videos just recently and how she was so spot on. I wish her the best and miss her. I enjoy all the people you have had on and enjoy their content. I love many of your interview and try to catch your videos as much as possible. You are a must in these days. Keep up the excellent work you do! Deanna
Thank you Pam for sharing your knowledge always so generously. Awesome this information about the nodal axis!🙏❤
Hi Pam good to see and hear you.
God Bless ❤✨
God bless you too Pam. The information you share is invaluable for those who are sensitive so that we can be prepared emotionally and logically for what might be coming.
As above so below as within as without.
I’ve always felt that Earth was alive living being and truly our Mother. The Sun a super consciousness, a life bringer. Moon, planets and stars are the gods of the ancients. They sensed consciousness from the heavens. An innately natural understanding of their movements connecting to what happens in Earth. Those are not dead rocks in the sky randomly place by gravitational pull. They are conscious beings on the next level of higher beings on a universal scale. This what the Egyptians aspired to with their elaborate preparations preservation of the body. Pharaohs were thought to be going to that level of a star and become one. It’s interesting how they tell the tale. Astrology is so fascinating ❤🌟
Thank you Pam, it's so very inspiring. My husband's Sun is conjunct my North Node. He is here to illuminate my path, and has been doing so in so many ways. 💛
I definitely feel like my son was someone I used to know. There are some unique similarity's in our charts. Thanks Pammy
Blessings from Mt Shasta! So, so grateful for your work and contributions to humanity!
Wow I just love "surrendering to the flow!!!" So empowering. I feel like I have been personally moving towards this and letting go of the "stigma" of going with the flow. It is not a weakness, it is certainly a super power.!!!!
What a blessing you are Pam! Thank you for your insights and guidance 💛
Dear Pam,
Thank you so much for your beautiful videos, they’ve been so inspiring and helpful in understanding astrology and the energies around us. 💫✨
I wanted to share something with you. A few years ago, when I was meditating, I would look at the Sun after and see these tiny geometric sparkles, almost like diamonds everywhere. It was the most beautiful and peaceful light I’ve ever seen. Recently, though, it’s been harder for me to see that light. Maybe it’s a sign that now is the time for me to stop meditating so much and focus on being more practical and putting in the effort.
Also, my North Node is in Virgo and my South Node is in Pisces, so this nodal shift feels like it’s going to bring some interesting energy for me!
Sending you lots of love and light 💛🌟 Thank you for all you do!
I'm looking forward to this. I'm about to go through my 2nd North Node return. Pisces in the 10th house and Virgo in the 4th. I'm definitely going to check out the books you've suggested 😊.
Same placements for me too, and it’s also my 2nd nodal return. Hope it’s a great year for us!
Me too!! Exact same placements for me, and second nodal return! It feels so special
I was doing some stretching and grounding exercises while listening to this.
Had to comment on the synchronicity of Pam's explaining the importance of the nodes in the natal charts of relationships. I don't usually go on like this but; it made sooo much sense.
I met someone a few years ago, by happenstance a few days before Christmas.
I was so taken aback when we met, literally feeling a current or, a jolt of lightening for hours after. I had to compare our natal charts. For starters, found out, our Uranus & Pluto are conj., 2 dgr. orb. Moreover, I saw that our Moons were 2-3 degrees apart in Cancer. Our Venuses were 2 degrees apart. Their Venus in Aries (also their Sun sign) is@the 1st degree. My Venus@the 29th degree, is in Pisces which, is my Sun sign.
...& that's just the beginning of the synchronicitous nature of our charts & our two ships "passing in the night. Obligations, on both our parts have us living thousands of miles apart. Yet, I find myself wondering about this person, often. Did I mention, that the 2024 eclipse in Aries was on their birthday? ...& the coming eclipse in Pisces is within 48 hrs of my solar return? I digress.
I'm deciding to Love More Loudly
Thank you Pam! 😇💙💜Your explanation of how conjunctions between the nodal axis and the planets of our loved ones can reveal karmic connections was fascinating. It left me reflecting on how these past-life patterns might be influencing current relationships in ways that aren’t always obvious but are profoundly significant. The possibility that roles like mother, father, or even battle companions could reappear in this life feels like a powerful tool for self-understanding.
I am definitely my mother’s mother! 😮
Wow Pam your teaching is magic and allows me to really at last believe in my path 🙏🕯️💫♥️
The end of the age of darkness... right at the end of your video... oh, welcome. Thanks so much for all your comforting videos, your knowledge and delivery are impecable and so welcome, thank you, thank, thank you. Love and light 💖🌟💖🌟💖🌟💖🌟💖🌟
I have been watching you for many years, but watching your linked videos in the description, it was lovely to see how your voice has developed over time ❤️🙏 I bet you hear this all the time but you have a lovely voice
Pam, YOU ARE GREAT ON THIS TOPICS, much appreciated with this alignment timing for the next 18 month. Thank you 😊 💓
Pam, I’m a bit blown away. I must share. I’ve followed your videos for years, and it isn’t til recently that life has lead me to downloading my birth chart and actually looking at it myself (not sure what’s taken me so long). I decided to take a look today, January 11, 2025 after feeling a huge pull to. Turns out my natal NN is in Pisces. I learned literally on THE DAY of this transition that I’m entering this nodal return!!!!! I am dumbfounded and certain the divine wanted me to know this information. Thank you! Whew, I hope it’s all a good sign. NN in my 10th house, SN in my 4th.
Yes v positive - you will have a Natal Nodal Return in the next 18 months, a sense of purpose, rightness, being 'on your purpose'. Go back 18 years and see what was happening then, this time will vortex upwards from that in the same area of life - career most likely. x
Everytime I see a video from you, I am so happy. I live far away from my soultribe and these guides are my lifelines. Thank you from my heart! 🧡💫 Have moon in Pisces.
Thank you Pam! I've been watching the development of AI for the past few years and as an artist I can say that unfortunately it is completely upending the art industry. In terms of generative AI images, copyright laws are being broken on the largest scale yet seen in order to train AI to produce images by stealing millions of photos and artworks online. We don't have laws to regulate this, but it is currently a plagiarism machine taking people's art, voices, faces, and appropriating them in ways that are not good, and making a profit off this theft. I'm devastated that this is how this tech is being used currently, to replace human creators to line the pockets of billion dollar tech companies. The arts won't be the only field affected by this, and it will be harder to discern what is real and what isn't. So everyone, stay sharp! Get info from multiple sources and lean into your intuition. If it's too good to be true, it probably is.
Yes we need a LOT of discernment. x
I believe we will see true human creativity and understanding shine through and survive. Holding to that belief. I suspect it's going to feel like hanging onto a shabby badly broken raft for a long time. I'm for hanging on.
@@janemars5225 yes the human spirit is strong and this has been prophesied as a time of human evolution. We will get there! x
Dear God how grateful I am to you Pam, your videos are keeping me afloat and they pop up always in just the right moment. Thank you for sharing your knowledge from the depths of my heart! ❤🙏🏼😘
This was definitely "above my pay grade" as the saying goes but I'll understand astrology more as time goes on. It is always helpful to hear what you have to say right now. STEADY ON.
Thank you Pam for your marvellous insights and interpretations of the relationship between the Astrological Symbols and Human Experience!❤
Thank you Pam❣️Getting ready for the north node conjuncting my MC on 29 ♓️ in my 9th house. You are a true blessing. 💛
What a great video. Thanks Pam. I kept replaying as I compared my chart with family, friends and lovers. In a current intimate relationship my Pluto is conjunct his North Node. Very interesting. Makes so much sense to our current dynamic. I am definitely going to study the nodes more. Fascinating stuff!
Thank you Pam. Thanks to your guidance, I’m gliding through daily life joyfully, serenely and freely. Returning to you mega tons of energy ⚡️and Love ♥️from the other side of the Channel, Pascale 🥰
I looked at my mum’s and daughter’s nodes and compared them to my chart recently. My Saturn is conjunct my Mum’s SN and my daughter’s Saturn is conjunct my SN. Thank you for this explanation. My daughter is exactly as you described a daughter with this asoect! Lovely to have some clarity on this ❤
Thank you Pam. My birthday is 17th March, so this year it should be interesting.
Wonderful Pam, you always leave me feeling so happy, thank you! I love astrology, I'm always drawn to it and having taken an evening class in Western Astrology many decades ago I have a basic understanding of the subject so I'm very excited by your info tonight and can't wait to see how things play out. I'll be buying your books too.
Thank you! I love hearing the excitement in your voice, it is very infectious!
Dear Pam, I am grateful for all the heads up you give us to all...All your podcasts are to be listened several times and there is so much to learn from you, so much useful intresting inisght❤. Thank you from a Virgo Sun (Mercury,Mars) and Pisces moon (interesting no😅?). Now we have a 9 number in 2025 for our world and my personal year is 1and since 5 years or more I have been working on me. Our world and mother earth Gaia and me and all we now are worth of the truths,peace and harmony and joy. Wish to you and to all of us. Thank you Pam from Italy💜💫
Much appreciated Pam and thank you for attaching the other videos. I could listen to you all day. Much love ❤
OMG Pam your insights are amazingly mind blowing 🤯 especially the connection with past life and relationships. I knew from the first moment I met my current partner this is not the first live together. I REALLY felt timelines collapsing. Looking now at his birth chart, he has in his Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in house 11 which is my South note where I also have Neptune conjunct on the degree. I’ll contemplate this for sure. Thank you so much for your enormously helpful insights always. From my heart 💜 to yours.
Thank you so much Pam🙏💖 Super interesting to learn so much from you💫 Much love,light and blessings to you and yours, and all❤
I've also been in my Aries Libra nodal return 2H/8H (early degrees) went exact on 29 Dec 2024, added to that I am in Virgo 8th House profection year with both Jupiter and Neptune in my Solar Return first house/tenth house (respectively), expanding creativity but also dissolving many things (inside and out) and added a good dollop of confusion along the way... As I am about to enter my 9th House profection at the end of Jan, I look back and see its been a hell a TOUGH 2024, a diamond-type tough... Coming out enriched by all the hardship and pressure, not quite outta the woods, yet full of hope for a wondrous 2025 as I see all the cosmic support in my Solar Return ...✨ What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. 💪💕 TYSM Pam for all you do in the world. Lots of Love, from my heart's Light to Yours ✨🌺✨
Dear Pam, thank you for your ever so interesting and profound astrological updates.
Neptune has been hovering over my MC for over 2 years now and will over it once more in 2025 in conjunction with the transiting North node. I've been unemployed since about the first passage of Neptune, i went back to school to study photography (Neptune!) but even after finishing that degree I feel lost as if i ran behind a Mirage.
It definitely feels like a very foggy and confusing period but also very humbling and ego unmasking... I feel quite exhausted of this lostness. So I find your videos and voice very soothing and filled with sense and hope. I can't wait to pierce through the other side of the wave 🌊!
Thank you. I will continue to sleep grounded and use grounding/earthing footwear such as Earthrunner sandles, doing intermittent fasting with organic low carb veggies and occasional high carb high value items like wild rice, sprouted lentils, and properly soaked oats, lots of grass fed animal fats and organ meats (with great respect for all life forms that gave up their physical form so that I may continue my learning here a bit longer) and getting as much sun as I can without overdoing it. Iodine from seaweed too. Wim Hoff breathing, sauna, and cold exposure all serve to help with serving others well while enjoying the simple things along the way. Meditation on world peace every day seems almost urgent too. Blessings from across pond!
This video is my favourite one of yours yet. So gripping. Thank you.
Thank you Pam.. brilliant was always... I have my north node at 4 degrees and 57 mins of Aquarius. Sounds like the orb of influence will definitely impact my north node, really good to know! I am starting a new chapter of my life in a big way this year. I have left a toxic work partnership with family. So, this Pluto's energy close to my north node sounds positive .. 💫💚
Thank you for explaining these nodal points and changes… it really helped me to understand better. I was born with my nodal points retrograding and so they were in 5th House Leo SN and 11th House Aquarius NN at 25* all my major relationships have been with (and still are) with partners with Virgo SN and Pisces NN…i will need to do some digging for some deeper knowledge and understandings…. Thank you Pam! Love your insights! Sending you Much Love from Vancouver Island! ♥️🙏🏼
Both me and my partner have our chirons conjunct the others North node and we have a lot of loving support and growth in our relationship!! Didn't realize it was a glue point for us, thank you xx
Pam, you are such a wise and comforting astrologer! Thank you for all that you do! I have been an armchair astrologer for decades. Just bought your book after watching this video! Looking forward to working with your book! Thank you so much for spreading your light!
Whoa fascinating!!! Gratitude for sharing your videos Pam, I can't wait to dig into this as I'' ve been "studing" my chart to find out so many answers .
By the way, Sun, Jupiter & North node in my first house, Capricorn all conjunct. So North node moving into my 2nd house, moon sign !!!!
So interesting 🤗
Much love💓
Thank you for your interpretations and suggestions as we navigate our positive future!!!
Thank you so very much as ever Pam 💗 my natal nodes have this position & this video brings the light and wisdom I needed! You forever ground me with your gifts, knowledge & heart x