  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • One-Pocket - Efren “Bata” Reyes (61) and Alex “The Lion” Pagulayan (37) matched up at the 2016 Make-It-Happen One-Pocket Invitational. Reyes was the defending champion of this event as well as winning the 2014 Derby City Classic One-Pocket division title. Pagulayan was the defending champion of the 2015 Derby City Classic One-Pocket division and Master of the Table that same year. This should be a good one.
    Jeremy Jones and Danny DiLiberto graced the booth.
    I’ll be in the chatroom. Join me.
    Pat Fleming
    - - - - - - - - -
    You can watch over 400 Accu-Stats Arena matches from the 2018 and 2019 INTL 9-BALL OPEN and 2016-2020 Derby City Classic, 2015-2017 US Open 9-Ball, as well as other Accu-Stats Invitationals on Accu-Stats Vimeo Subscription service:
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Комментарии • 67

  • @catpen
    @catpen 2 года назад +4

    Hi Accu Stats! Could you please upload that super exciting match Reyes vs Pagulayan One Pocket in 2006?
    Thank you as always for giving us an avenue to appreciate this sport even more.

  • @Mikebauero
    @Mikebauero 3 года назад +15

    Jeremy is on his way to being the next Billy in the booth

  • @michaeldao1
    @michaeldao1 3 года назад +9

    Dear Accustats: could you please upload Pagulayan Reyes derby 1p 2006? I bought the dvd from you guys when it was new and it's the best match ever, your viewers here would really appreciate it (somehow it doesn't exist on youtube). Thanks much and keep up the great work

  • @XHeadhunter66
    @XHeadhunter66 3 года назад +14

    Jeremy commentating -> instant like. Would be better with Mark Wilson instead of Danny but what can you do.

  • @RemkoDuursma
    @RemkoDuursma Год назад

    Great game, thanks!

  • @RZ393
    @RZ393 Год назад

    Alex is 5-3, Canadian snooker champion playing on a 6x12 table, basketball one of his hobbies.

  • @NealFosterHD
    @NealFosterHD 2 года назад +2

    1:22:50 no rail from Efren goes unnoticed

    • @Krushard
      @Krushard Год назад

      Hard to tell, could be rail-7-rail.

  • @bryantaylor9874
    @bryantaylor9874 3 года назад +1

    I'm not making accusations or anything but this entire tournament Alex looks like a man with a serious hangover.

    • @MrAlex3592
      @MrAlex3592 2 года назад

      I noticed that too. I think when Efren was -1 they didn’t give him the ball Alex made for him when Alex made the 2 and the other ball.

  • @randyjohnson2803
    @randyjohnson2803 3 года назад +3

    How is this guy an official??

  • @godjhaka7376
    @godjhaka7376 2 года назад +1

    Is that Danny whistling like that ? Danny 'The Whistler' DiLiberto

  • @graydude4698
    @graydude4698 3 года назад +2

    👽 thx.

  • @ruskyhrahsel7723
    @ruskyhrahsel7723 3 года назад +1

    Great match

  • @PrincessClick1
    @PrincessClick1 3 года назад +4

    Excellent commentary. Enjoyable match.

  • @josehacuna9060
    @josehacuna9060 3 года назад +1

    Qué clase de pool es entendí nada!!!

  • @jasonandaya1008
    @jasonandaya1008 3 года назад +2

    G O A T

  • @trumanhw
    @trumanhw Год назад

    That last 9-ball Alex shot on the rail to get to his out ball was incredible touch. Seriously --
    TRY THAT next time you're practicing ... killing that ball, & see if you can make it reliably (at all)

  • @biketyson92
    @biketyson92 3 года назад +2

    Pretty sure Efren won the 6th game. I think they miss counted.

  • @cakins1986
    @cakins1986 3 года назад +2

    Beating Efren at one-pocket has to be an amazing feeling.

    • @davidellis7238
      @davidellis7238 3 года назад +2

      Sick bro, thanks for ruining the match

    • @cakins1986
      @cakins1986 3 года назад +3

      @@davidellis7238 Why are you looking at the comments instead of watching the match? This also happened in 2016...

  • @manuelpalacios7237
    @manuelpalacios7237 3 года назад

    Lo he dicho varias veces,. Que narren estos enfrentos en Español aquí en Centro América hablamos Español es algo tremendo ver a Efrén Reyes y sobre todo a las Jovencitas

  • @CrazyHeartRanch
    @CrazyHeartRanch 2 года назад +1

    saw him dunk a basketball huh

  • @_Ramen-Vac_
    @_Ramen-Vac_ 5 месяцев назад

    just hiding this brainfart here: The abstract way to mention "that's a good shot." is "Konrad Juszczyszyn" lol . . . I'll be here all week... Hey *you fans think it's easier to see these shots from the booth? it is. Down there on the table it's hella hard to. Playing the table is way harder than watching...

  • @dude.8982
    @dude.8982 7 месяцев назад

    Didn't efren win the lag?

  • @4lifecuba
    @4lifecuba 3 года назад +1


  • @PocketJs
    @PocketJs 3 года назад +7

    Danny said he saw Alex dunk on a 10' basketball rim LOL... I respect the man but I think he needs to retire.

    • @randyjohnson2803
      @randyjohnson2803 3 года назад +1

      Not a chance

    • @SlickRick4EVER
      @SlickRick4EVER 3 года назад

      @@randyjohnson2803 - you're the only joker who thinks so....

    • @SlippyNFLD
      @SlippyNFLD 3 года назад

      You think Alex needs to retire you should stop smoking what you smoking and play Alex and watch what happens to you

    • @PocketJs
      @PocketJs 3 года назад

      @@SlippyNFLD OR I could play you instead. But since I don't see that happening, why don't I save you the embarrassment and encourage you to read my comment again. I insisted Danny retire from commentating. Wth were you reading?

  • @randyjohnson2803
    @randyjohnson2803 3 года назад +8

    122:54 foul

    • @ranchopatriot
      @ranchopatriot 3 года назад +2

      This ref is weak. The scoring in the 6th rack was sus.

    • @sanjursan
      @sanjursan 3 года назад +1

      Randy: Yup, he sure did. I was just about to comment when I saw your comment.

    • @uriahotten3895
      @uriahotten3895 3 года назад

      Was NOT a foul. Cue ball went rail-object ball-rail. Was kinda hard to tell from the camera angle, but was legal all the way.

    • @randyjohnson2803
      @randyjohnson2803 3 года назад +2

      @@uriahotten3895 uriah otten rewatch it

    • @uriahotten3895
      @uriahotten3895 3 года назад +4

      @@randyjohnson2803 I just rewatched it several times on .25 speed on full zoom and I must say, I stand corrected. Apparently one of the red dots on the cue ball spun at the same spot the rail contact would have been and gave the optical illusion of a good hit. Makes you wonder if it caught the rail track as it appeared to veer back away from the rail. In fact it WAS a foul and Efren should have been charged accordingly. My apologies.

  • @elmerigni4470
    @elmerigni4470 2 года назад

    One pocket is a mind game, just like chess, it looks boring to those doesnt undertsand the game.

  • @believer4445
    @believer4445 2 года назад

    Somebody is hissing alittle

  • @MrWrite1
    @MrWrite1 Год назад

    5 rqck bank, see the freeze Efren left in case he missed the bank?

  • @arkanihaji7427
    @arkanihaji7427 2 года назад

    Muhammad said A.pagulayan berasal negara Indonesia.tempat tinggal Alalak tengah RT.12.RW.02.nomor rumah 29.kota banjarmasin kalimantan negara Indonesia

  • @scatdog1
    @scatdog1 3 года назад +1

    These commentary guys are wrong more than they are right.

    • @AccuStats
      @AccuStats  3 года назад +2

      They are just making sure that you are listening.😃

  • @chevive7
    @chevive7 3 года назад +1

    Those are not pockets, they are BUCKETS!!

    • @XHeadhunter66
      @XHeadhunter66 3 года назад

      Which is totally fine for 1-pocket

    • @chevive7
      @chevive7 3 года назад +1

      @@XHeadhunter66 isn't it the same table for any other game?? 🤣🤣🤣 pool is so stupid, play some snooker and learn somerhing

    • @uriahotten3895
      @uriahotten3895 3 года назад

      @@chevive7 HA! Ask Judd how hard pool is.

    • @chevive7
      @chevive7 3 года назад

      @@uriahotten3895 Idiot, 99% of pool players can't play snooker, ALL snooker players can play pool very well

    • @uriahotten3895
      @uriahotten3895 3 года назад

      @@chevive7 "ALL snooker players can play pool very well." So, like I said, ask Judd that. How well did he "play" at the US Open 9 ball tournament?? I rest my case...

  • @TC.....
    @TC..... 3 года назад

    holy craps they suck miss so many shots

    • @SlippyNFLD
      @SlippyNFLD 3 года назад

      It's one pocket they can only shoot balls into their respectful pocket