#Update: If you downloaded KarenC before
Aug 4, 2023, you may want to update the script with
this one.
This is the
KarenC mod: Karen's extended ending. Then what does the "C" stand for?
It's Cornelia.
This mod is the most image-heavy one I've created to date because it incorporates
No More Golden Days Comics from Studio Kuma into the game. So if you're already familiar with NMGD, you'll know exactly what to expect. (If you haven't already, you should definitely check it out.)
KarenC mod is closely linked to
ClaudiaC in terms of narrative and tone, and my favorite Brunette makes an appearance as well.
Disclaimer! The tone of this mod is "rough" and "kinky", to say the least. So if you are only into vanilla stuff, I would advise you to take caution with this one.
It will deal with girl-on-girl action, threesomes, gangbangs, Dom/sub & polyamorous relationships, a lot of rough sex, spanking, biting, impregnation, incest, etc.
All events in KarenC take place after
the threesome sex scene with Karen & Victor, so you should see the choice menu shown below.
Download KarenC.zip
How to install:
1. When you extract the zip file, there should be 1 script file named "script_day22_KarenThreesome.rpy" and 1 folder named "KarenCimages" containing two subfolders ("events": 69 jpg + 23 png files, "sprites": 35 png files), 5 png files, and 1 ogg file.
2. Take both (1 script & 1 folder) and put them in the "game" folder.
3. The script file will overwrite the original one, and the folder should now be in the location "game/KarenCimages".
4. Enjoy.
Arnav Dasari also contributed to this mod by providing ideas and components for Karen's sprites.
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