Dev log for Broken time sequel to second chances

Bram Grayson

Game Developer
Feb 13, 2024
Hi everyone,

I released not too long ago my game second chances. I am now working on the follow up working title is Broken Time.

A few things I learned.

Don't use png's I was and still am a bit of a novice. the new game will use webp format for images.

You can't please everyone. Most of the feedback has been very helpful some a bit toxic. Some people just don't like certain things a game just can't cater for all.

I was very new to creating the animations some looked a bit off and some a bit pointless. Both myself and the tools are getting better so I hope to improve this in the sequel .

Some people have a hatred for AI that burns like the heat of a thousand suns. To me it is just another tool that can be used badly (not saying I am any kind of expert) or well. It should be a combination of the visuals with a story that make it work.

Some questions:

I want to make the new game a bit more of a sandbox so add elements such as maps time of day etc. what do people think? Or do you prefer the more straight forward story telling with choices? I am not planning on making it grindy as I am not a fan of that myself.

finally some sample from work in progress, maybe hint at a change in scene from previous game


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
I want to make the new game a bit more of a sandbox so add elements such as maps time of day etc. what do people think?
For me it is the same thing as with path and question. Does it add something to the game?
Eg. if have the question to break into a house, kill its residents and take the briefcase with me with the content that even Vincent Vega don't know or just convince the madam of the house that she shall give me the briefcase then it should have a different path behind and not only "I'm not a cold blooded killer instead I talked to the madam and ...." respectively "I din't like her, so I shoot her and after that ...".

Also keep in mind with "just" a "normal" AVN you only need to look at the points/flags/etc. and decide go path a or b. With a sandbox concept if you have intermixed stories, then it will become complicated to have all the safeguards in place as the story could happen in any order and not following a specific order at all.
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Nov 26, 2022
You won't please everybody as you said.
People coming to this site are actually quite different. Some just want to watch porn which means mindless clicking to progress the action. And another ones are gamers who want proper games with challenges, puzzles an so on.

And you are doing stuff like AI graphics or chubby girls that is also not everyone's cup of tea.

Personally I am a gamer type if that matters. I just don't like grinding (who does?) If you need in a game to start each day from taking a shower and eating a breakfast then after a few days in the game you will really hate it.

I have no idea how to make a game that will earn a lot of money ;) It's a risky business. But if you are not so much after money then just make a game that you would like yourself to play.
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Bram Grayson

Game Developer
Feb 13, 2024
You won't please everybody as you said.
People coming to this site are actually quite different. Some just want to watch porn which means mindless clicking to progress the action. And another ones are gamers who want proper games with challenges, puzzles an so on.

And you are doing stuff like AI graphics or chubby girls that is also not everyone's cup of tea.

Personally I am a gamer type if that matters. I just don't like grinding (who does?) If you need in a game to start each day from taking a shower and eating a breakfast then after a few days in the game you will really hate it.

I have no idea how to make a game that will earn a lot of money ;) It's a risky business. But if you are not so much after money then just make a game that you would like yourself to play.
Not at all after money, I think you can make some money maybe but I have a full time job that pays a lot better!

I agree on the grinding, I feel a lot of renpy games do that makes it look like there is a lot of content, but you are just doing the same thing over and over!

Bram Grayson

Game Developer
Feb 13, 2024
when will you release the sequel
Hi Chanex I don't know exactly I have quite a bit of it done I also have time off over the xmas period so i will get quite a bit of it done then. i won't release it till the story is finished

Bram Grayson

Game Developer
Feb 13, 2024
Though I would include a test video with lip syncing and speech. let me know if you like it.

Bram Grayson

Game Developer
Feb 13, 2024
some stills from chapter 2. this are screenshots from some videos Tabitha and 2 new characters

Bram Grayson

Game Developer
Feb 13, 2024
A couple of questions for people. can dm if you prefer,. 1. I have figured out how to extend videos do you want to see that? 2. I had a request to add a gallery do you want that? I am adding a changing room so the MC can model different outfits is that preferred?


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
As I didn't play it, only my general opinion:
1) Depeding on your time to want to invest in it and the benefits it gives (in your eyes). Also depeding on how long they really are some short ones (some 10s to 1 or 2 min max.) probably. I like more variation than one 15 min single scene video.
2) Solely depending if you can afford the work. If you can, then go for it.
3) I'm not sure about that, as I don't know your game. If your game benefit from it, then I would say yes, if not, then I would be against it. From the look of it, I assume it might be more the later.
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Bram Grayson

Game Developer
Feb 13, 2024
As I didn't play it, only my general opinion:
1) Depeding on your time to want to invest in it and the benefits it gives (in your eyes). Also depeding on how long they really are some short ones (some 10s to 1 or 2 min max.) probably. I like more variation than one 15 min single scene video.
2) Solely depending if you can afford the work. If you can, then go for it.
3) I'm not sure about that, as I don't know your game. If your game benefit from it, then I would say yes, if not, then I would be against it. From the look of it, I assume it might be more the later.
thank you for taking the time to reply. Time is a consideration


Feb 5, 2023
A couple of questions for people. can dm if you prefer,. 1. I have figured out how to extend videos do you want to see that? 2. I had a request to add a gallery do you want that? I am adding a changing room so the MC can model different outfits is that preferred?
yes for all. Go for it dev
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Bram Grayson

Game Developer
Feb 13, 2024
looking to enhance some of the image quality and improve the overall look of the MC. Any feedback on which you prefer left or right?


Feb 23, 2023
I think it’s not worth it to try to please everyone absolutely, so you can’t make a game that you like in the first place, you’re doing great and don’t listen to the haters, in my opinion the first part of the game turned out great. Your game shows great potential and love for creating the game.
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Bram Grayson

Game Developer
Feb 13, 2024
I think it’s not worth it to try to please everyone absolutely, so you can’t make a game that you like in the first place, you’re doing great and don’t listen to the haters, in my opinion the first part of the game turned out great. Your game shows great potential and love for creating the game.
thank you for the kind words, I agree. I can only write a story or game I like. You really can't please everyone. It's better to have a small number that really like the game. then a lot that think it's ok.
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Bram Grayson

Game Developer
Feb 13, 2024
Hi everyone,

from the feedback i have had i wanted to update what i am working on for the game.

Improve blending of characters into backgrounds. I am improving how characters look against backgrounds as well as fixing any of the normal issues you get with dodgy hands for AI characters. This is just a learning process using inpainting in SD for example.

Improve animation quality. This is improving all of the time I am seeing much less warping now using newer animation models

Improve animation length. I have learned a few tricks to allow for longer animations before i was restricted to 10 seconds now I can make them a lot longer.

better background using unreal. I am moving away from AI backgrounds to using an unreal environment this allows for much greater constitance so when I make a room for example I can now see it from all sides and angles.

lip syncing. Some early experiments with this getting Tabitha to speak to the player rather than voiceover results are a bit mixed.

More interactive elements: Leaning ,more about screens in renpy allowing collection of things and more freedom to do things out of order