@@comicbookretrospectives can’t really say but man he does love his books too, I mean his most recent IG post proves it (great taste on books too if I might add!)
I don’t think any actor had as historic of a year is Jim Carrey in ‘94. However, Harrison Ford starred in 5 classic movies between 1980-1984: Star Wars Episode V, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Blade Runner, Star Wars Episode VI, and Temple of Doom. That’s a pretty amazing track record
I think that's actually kinda common, doubly so when franchises are involved. Hell all of the major Marvel actors are gonna have something similar from them alone. Most impressive to me is Tom Hanks from '92 to '95 you've got 6 classics and 2 best actor Oscars: A League of Their Own, Sleepless in Seattle, Philadelphia, Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, and Toy Story. Even more impressive is that he damn near did it again from '98 to '00 with another 5 classics: Saving Private Ryan, You've Got Mail, Toy Story 2, The Green Mile, and Cast Away. Still not sure that anyone can beat Carrey '94 for the single year though.
@@iammine8117 Add the fact that '94 was Jim Carrey's breakout year, with Ace Ventura being his first major role in a movie. He basically set the record straight away.
@@Navajonkee Yeah I thought the same thing. I was 14yo at the time and I remember him going from nothing to top of the A list pretty much overnight. A friend of mine was a big In Living Color fan and loved him in particular. So I was familiar with Jim before '94 and when Ace Ventura came out I thought it was stupid and didn't realize that it was actually a big deal and not just my friend being into this fringe thing again. Then The Mask came out and I was a big fan of that and after Dumb and Dumber I was a hooked believer. I had no idea how rare something like that was at the time. Hell, searching through other random actors filmographies the last few days I've realized how few times an actor even has 3 films released in a single year. It almost never happens and when it does at least one seams to always be a total bomb. The closest I've found is 3 classics in a 2 year period maybe 4 in 2 if you stretch the definition of classic. Take Arnold Schwarzenegger '87-'88 you have The Running Man, Predator and Twins then '90-'91 Total Recall, Kindergarten Cop and Terminator 2. Impressive and if either run was in a single year it could rival Jim for sure. Anyway, that's a five year run by Arny with 6 absolute classics that again demonstrates that there's at least dozens, maybe hundreds who've done this but seemingly only Carrey's pulled off the 3 in 1 feat.
i love Jackie's response when Courtney mispronounces DCOMs bc same 😆 my bf always jokes about how i know so many DCOMs but Jackie is just on another level she's insane with it
As someone that is literally studying conservation, I’d love to see an animal-themed one just to watch them all stumble over not knowing what animals are which, and watch them hear/guess weird animal facts
7:55 wholeheartedly agree with Courtney here. Avatar had great graphics, but it was blue Pocahontas. I still dont understand how it was the highest grossing movie ever. Worse, i dont get why everyone was so excited to hear the second one was coming out. And i think that one did pretty good sales, too.
Shane is like the funny cousin that everyone wants but doesn't have. Ian literally killed it. I'm surprised he didn't guess all three movies from Jim Carrey though, but he got, two of them. Jackie won cause she wanted to win I think lol, she didn't bet as much 😂 Also, Courtney is so pretty!!!
Depending on what you consider by the "best" for who had the best year, Scarlett Johansson was nominated for her roles in Marriage Story and Jojo Rabbit in 2019. I know there's been a small group of actors nominated in both the best/supporting categories in the same year as well, they could all arguably be up for consideration.
Man as a 90s baby, it hit me wrong when i totally forgot dumb and dumber, as one of Jim Carry's funniest movies he even made along with Ace Ventura...I was more excited for final bepordy but totally face palmed when I forgot Dumb and Dumber lol 😆 😅
There may be several Rocky's... but there can only be *ONE* Rock IT'S ABOUT DRIVE 😤 IT'S ABOUT POWER 🔥 WE STAY HUNGRY😈 WE DEVOUR 👹 PUT IN THE WORK 💪 PUT IN THE HOURS ⌚ AND TAKE WHATS OURS 🥶.
Eddie Murphy had hit after hit once starting SNL with 48hrs, Trading Places, Beverly Hills Cop, Coming To America, and also just imagine the movies he didn't have to turn down Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and Ghostbusters. Eddie murphy has to be the undisputed king 80s comedy blockbusters
MCU quiz Seeing double: actors who have been in other superhero movies First appearances: when that character first showed up Villains: main villain of a particular movie Stan Lee: what is Stan Lee's cameo in an MCU movie Alter Ego: a superheroes secret identity name
Courtney saying "I just watched a Danny Gonzalez video on this" gave me the amount of serotonin I needed to make it through the rest of week
same bc i also watched the danny gonzalez video!
@KillaCamton I would answer... but i dont know who cody ko is... so i cant tell if you are telling a joke or not... XD
@@mollieleazenby217 it's a joke that danny gonzalez, drew gooden and cody ko look the same/are the same person/are related etc.
@@zedress4836 ah... well I know that drew gooden, danny gonzalez, and kurtis conner are the same person... didn't know about cody ko...
Shayne would probably dominate in this category. He seems like he knows his movies
Lol he said it in the first few seconds, I just started playing the video 🤣
Shayne prefers the book over the film
He'd do great in this but I watch him on Valley Folk where he doesn't know a lot of movies on there. Lol
@@comicbookretrospectives can’t really say but man he does love his books too, I mean his most recent IG post proves it (great taste on books too if I might add!)
@@CaptNaptastic Lol which video? Him and Ian I feel like are movie buffs but I’ve seen him choke on most Netflix and Chill videos on their channel 🤣
We get a Jackie “Ring of Endless Light” callback? FANTASTIC
what was the callback?
I was about to comment that 😀😂
@@stevensedlak watch the Disney/Nickelodeon episode. Jackie was in it. It’ll make sense.
I was thinking the same thing!
I’m questioning my existence throughout this video. Again another banger by iCarly’s Shayne Topp.
shayne out here referencing his own tntl bit "cedric got f*cking bodied"
Wait i havent seen that bit i must see that bit help
I’d love to see a beopardy with classic novels, or one hosted by Ian that’s nothing but bummer facts! 😂
@Daniel Greenberg bring on boring Ian. Grandpa Ian needs to stay relevant kiddies
I’m pretty sure Ian would have a blast hosting the bummer facts one 😂
Shayne would have to be a contestant on a novels one
Bummer facts, PULEEZ!
@@SmartBlondeParadox absolutely! An entire category of Moby Dick too 😂
jackie: johnny kapahala back on board
shayne: .... what?
ian immediately being so apologetic to courtney for hitting her in the hand is so cute
i thought i was the only one who noticed- it’s so sweet 😭
We need a RUclips trivia version of this.
I agree as well, Mr. ThineRealestSullivanGerald
Ian would probably *be* one of the answers, but ironically he would probably *know* the fewest answers.
I love that Courtney watches Danny Gonz- I mean Drew Gooden.
Same reaction here
We need a try not to laugh with both of them
@@frzd8chickensoup and kurtis 😎
@@frzd8chickensoup Please, I need that in my life
I love Beopardy, but this episode was just truly top notch. I had a lot of fun! Thanks!
When Ian said Paprika for his favorite movie, I thought I was dreaming… that joke has layers. Love that movie hahaha
Onions have layers
@@esinger23 Ogres have onions
the amount that i relate to courtney not only knowing immediately it was camp rock but doing the weird chant from final jam is unhealthy 😂😂
I don’t think any actor had as historic of a year is Jim Carrey in ‘94. However, Harrison Ford starred in 5 classic movies between 1980-1984: Star Wars Episode V, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Blade Runner, Star Wars Episode VI, and Temple of Doom. That’s a pretty amazing track record
Last time i checked 1980-1984 isnt 1 year but ok
I think that's actually kinda common, doubly so when franchises are involved. Hell all of the major Marvel actors are gonna have something similar from them alone. Most impressive to me is Tom Hanks from '92 to '95 you've got 6 classics and 2 best actor Oscars: A League of Their Own, Sleepless in Seattle, Philadelphia, Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, and Toy Story. Even more impressive is that he damn near did it again from '98 to '00 with another 5 classics: Saving Private Ryan, You've Got Mail, Toy Story 2, The Green Mile, and Cast Away. Still not sure that anyone can beat Carrey '94 for the single year though.
@@iammine8117 Add the fact that '94 was Jim Carrey's breakout year, with Ace Ventura being his first major role in a movie. He basically set the record straight away.
@@Navajonkee Yeah I thought the same thing. I was 14yo at the time and I remember him going from nothing to top of the A list pretty much overnight. A friend of mine was a big In Living Color fan and loved him in particular. So I was familiar with Jim before '94 and when Ace Ventura came out I thought it was stupid and didn't realize that it was actually a big deal and not just my friend being into this fringe thing again. Then The Mask came out and I was a big fan of that and after Dumb and Dumber I was a hooked believer. I had no idea how rare something like that was at the time. Hell, searching through other random actors filmographies the last few days I've realized how few times an actor even has 3 films released in a single year. It almost never happens and when it does at least one seams to always be a total bomb. The closest I've found is 3 classics in a 2 year period maybe 4 in 2 if you stretch the definition of classic. Take Arnold Schwarzenegger '87-'88 you have The Running Man, Predator and Twins then '90-'91 Total Recall, Kindergarten Cop and Terminator 2. Impressive and if either run was in a single year it could rival Jim for sure. Anyway, that's a five year run by Arny with 6 absolute classics that again demonstrates that there's at least dozens, maybe hundreds who've done this but seemingly only Carrey's pulled off the 3 in 1 feat.
Scarlett Johansson 2019: Jojo Rabbit, Marriage Story, and Avengers Endgame. Arguably all 10/10 films
Jackie’s mic was on like low volume for this whole thing
It honestly seemed like it was just turned off and what we were hearing was from Ian and Courts mics.
It probably got bumped or something, seemed fine at the start
Jackie really played ya'll. She knew about ring of endless light. Mentioned it by name in a previous bepordy video. Mad respect.
It's too bad it was hard to hear her for a lot of the video :/
i love Jackie's response when Courtney mispronounces DCOMs bc same 😆
my bf always jokes about how i know so many DCOMs but Jackie is just on another level she's insane with it
I love Kimmy's facial reactions, they get me everytime. She's laughing then looks like she's going to stab shayne in a matter of seconds. 😂
We love those moments with Dark Kimmy 💗💗💗
She only makes 3 faces
I love Beopardy! I play along with everyone and its a lot of fun! I also loved how Courtney did the dance from Camp Rock at 8:23 😂
This was so good. Claps for Kimmy for getting points. I think for Kimmy we need just a High School Musical episode?!!!
I love to see a food related episode where Mythical Josh hosts the show!
Oooo yes yes yes!
omg yes!!
What is the correct way to peel garlic? PALM HEEL STRIKE!!!
well... we almost got that, instead we got something infinitely better
I fucking love Jacky XD
She accidentally buzzered for Robert Pattinson and still got it correct XD
ahhh me too i scan all uploads to see if she's in it
Ian's such a supportive dad and I love it.
ian has so much taste saying paprika as his fav movie
2:17 i honestly love how you can tell that ian genuinely feels bad
Jackie getting La La Land immediately with that 1 Star review is a mood 😂
I love playing along with these beopardy quizzes ❤
“Why is it jim carey?”
Jackie: “Why would it not be??” Same girl
There needs to be a stan vs the internet with Shayne and movies
a book themed one with Shayne participating would be fun to see
As someone that is literally studying conservation, I’d love to see an animal-themed one just to watch them all stumble over not knowing what animals are which, and watch them hear/guess weird animal facts
1:39 OG Ian comes out. Hahaha I haven’t seen that angry action from Ian in a WHIIIIILE
Shout out to Shayne’s patience for being interrupted by the buzzer.
This video was so incredible and hilarious. I laughed so hard at that 1 star review of Fight Club.
Ian: I didn't grow up with cable
Jackie, who notoriously grew up with cable: you don't say
Maybe do a gaming themed one? Could be Nintendo themed, or just general game knowledge? Since y'all are gamers. Love from Canada.
Kimmy is giving me life with this look, sis is glowing
these five together will always stir up some chaos
7:55 wholeheartedly agree with Courtney here. Avatar had great graphics, but it was blue Pocahontas.
I still dont understand how it was the highest grossing movie ever.
Worse, i dont get why everyone was so excited to hear the second one was coming out. And i think that one did pretty good sales, too.
Paprika? Ian? you're my friend now
Honestly, me getting the final Beopardy question correct gave me the biggest serotonin boost i think I've ever had!! :') Felt so proud of myself.
Categories I'd like to see- international movies, biopics, straight to DVD/stream, beloved bad movies (The Room)
We need something like this for 90's/2000's childhood shows
I think we need a second movie themed Beopardy so Shayne can participate 😂
Possible topic: Vampires
Possible categories: Twilight, Vampire Diaries, Dracula, Trueblood, actual vampire lore
Jackie is so good playing this, she is so fun, i love her
Jackie is the new Ian, buzzing in immediately before hearing most of the question.
These videos are what keep me alive I think 😂. Love you guys
literally beporady is one of my favorite series that you guys do!!
I’d love a specifically movie related show, I always live hearing their discourse on movies. This was fun.
Ian saying paprika as his favorite movie. 😍😍😍
Ian!!!! As if I couldn't love you more, you say Paprika. UGH. So dope.
Jackie: There's a serious kapahala hitting the coast this weekend lol 🤣
I think this Beopardy had the most interesting questions yet.
The la la land review was spot on🤣
They didn’t choose Shayne as a contestant cause we know he’s gonna crush it.
Lol that la la land one hurt. I still listen to the soundtrack😂😭😭😭
Mad respect to Jackie for choosing Enough as her favourite movie.
Sounds like Jackie's mic wasn't working on this. Props to whoever managed to make her sound so great despite technical difficulties.
Not only Ace Ventura,The Mask, and Dumb and Dumber were Jim Carrey hits, they were also cartoon series.
I can’t believe Ian’s favorite movie isn’t the Smosh movie!
Shane is like the funny cousin that everyone wants but doesn't have. Ian literally killed it. I'm surprised he didn't guess all three movies from Jim Carrey though, but he got, two of them. Jackie won cause she wanted to win I think lol, she didn't bet as much 😂 Also, Courtney is so pretty!!!
This was CLASSIC beopardy.
I’d like to see one about countries; national foods, misconceptions, weird facts, etc
That roast of La La Land almost made me choke on my Poptart.
Can't believe that Ian's favourite movie isn't the smosh movie.
I’m here for Xanadu!!❤❤ one of my top 5!
I’m a huge Jim Carrey fan and totally would have bet all my points on that question. Nailed it
Ian with the PAPRIKA drop that’s a legend
Depending on what you consider by the "best" for who had the best year, Scarlett Johansson was nominated for her roles in Marriage Story and Jojo Rabbit in 2019. I know there's been a small group of actors nominated in both the best/supporting categories in the same year as well, they could all arguably be up for consideration.
way to start my day with courtney dancing camp rock, love you courtneyyy
They finally fixed Shane’s foot . 🙏🙏
i got like every single question wrong besides the final beopardy, nailed it
I was expecting a question about Despicable Me and Megamind in the Seeing Double category...those are the two that stick out in my mind
Man as a 90s baby, it hit me wrong when i totally forgot dumb and dumber, as one of Jim Carry's funniest movies he even made along with Ace Ventura...I was more excited for final bepordy but totally face palmed when I forgot Dumb and Dumber lol 😆 😅
There may be several Rocky's...
but there can only be *ONE* Rock
this was a good one! 😂 and Courtney watches Danny Gonzalez 😂
Eddie Murphy had hit after hit once starting SNL with 48hrs, Trading Places, Beverly Hills Cop, Coming To America, and also just imagine the movies he didn't have to turn down Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and Ghostbusters. Eddie murphy has to be the undisputed king 80s comedy blockbusters
Never have I been more proud of getting a final beopardy right. I guess I know my obscure comedy knowledge lol
Man I would absolutely love to be apart of smosh! You guys are awesome!!!!!!
I love Beapordy so much but I know if I was on I'd miss all the ones I yell at my phone 😅😅😅💚🖤
Yo what's up with Jackie's mic? I can barely hear her
I was looking for this comment. I was not sure if she was that quiet or what because I had to blast my headphones to even hear her
Ian saying his favorite movie is Paprika brings me so much serotonin.
Yasss Jackie! You go girl! 💯🔥
The fact that I guessed all of the final beopardy right 😭😭
I'd love to see them do one of these or the stan vs the internet for studio ghibli, I think that would be fun.
You guys should put in parentheses Beopardy, I would have immediately clicked on the video when it came out but just thought it was a random video
Kimmy's amazing. I love her energy in every single video ❤️
Love me some Beopardy!! How about anything 90s!
Was Jackie's mic off? I could barely hear her
I nailed the final beopardy. I’m so proud of myself.
The my are gonna have to change that Spider-Man question once No Way Home comes out
i wait for the moment when shayne asks "Ian what 69 joke have you made on this point vager"
and then ian makes a 420 point vager
idk if its just me but jackies volume is so low?
A Ring of Endless Night are you KIDDING ME??? Legendary. I'm here for the Jackie/Damien game-off lol
I was so confident on my Jim Carrey answer for absolutely no reason.
MCU quiz
Seeing double: actors who have been in other superhero movies
First appearances: when that character first showed up
Villains: main villain of a particular movie
Stan Lee: what is Stan Lee's cameo in an MCU movie
Alter Ego: a superheroes secret identity name
Courtney is my dream reincarnation, I would fight wars with that energy
I did extremely well on this one!
I feel like Kimmy's sanity in these Beopardy videos has deteriorated further and further each time.