Warning: Never lose your cellphone. Brickhouse Security is touting a USB device called the SIM Card Spy, which, aside from allowing a quick dump of messages and call information from a SIM, can also recover deleted text messages.
It uses to be that the worst consequences of a lost phone was embarrassment. The finder would check for raunchy or obscene messages and simply forward them to "Mom Mobile". Now, though, even your deleted texts are fair game with this $150 dongle.
Like any electronic storage medium, a SIM card doesn't delete data but just the reference to that data. The actual file remains on the card until it is overwritten by new data. The SIM Card Spy is simply a recovery device, similar to those used for PC disc rescue. Our advice? Follow the drug dealers' example and buy a pre-pay burner, a cheap, disposable phone with which to conduct your illicit affairs.
Product page [Brickhouse Security via Crave]