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Nov 5, 2007 4:45 PM

Jan 2007
Another great episode. I just can't get enough of the art direction, excellent stuff. I'm really enjoying all the confrontations/meetings between the characters, as well as the little bit of the past. Loved the puch Kei threw at the beginning and the little bit with Mayu and Kei. Chihiro and Renji's story is really good as well. I just love their conversations since it's with a "different" Chihiro each time. I want more of this show, looking forward to the next episode.
Nov 5, 2007 8:40 PM

Oct 2007
Another great episode indeed =)

I love the when characters are inserted into each other's everyday life, Chihiro was cute as always ^^
It was nice to see the reason behind the accident envolving Chihiro, and that made me stick with Miyako even more =)

And the analogy of the sheep was quite intriguing, what was she trying to say?
That eventually she would be tired of her difficult life? But if she loses her memory so often wouldn't it open a new perspective from life almost everyday?
Well, I guess we'll see soon enough xD


Nov 5, 2007 9:07 PM
Jun 2007
Ishitori said:

And the analogy of the sheep was quite intriguing, what was she trying to say?
That eventually she would be tired of her difficult life? But if she loses her memory so often wouldn't it open a new perspective from life almost everyday?
Well, I guess we'll see soon enough xD

I think what they were trying to convey was the length of the chain is the age of which she got into the accident (12 years) and when you see her on the stained glass that's all her memories up to the accident. The black part is all the memories she cant have. and because of the chain she cant access any further. The sheep after it eats all the grass (memories) it will starve to death from lack of new grass (because the sheep ate all the grass roots an all, nothing new can grow) so no new memories can grow.
Nov 5, 2007 10:24 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
burnttoast said:
Ishitori said:

And the analogy of the sheep was quite intriguing, what was she trying to say?
That eventually she would be tired of her difficult life? But if she loses her memory so often wouldn't it open a new perspective from life almost everyday?
Well, I guess we'll see soon enough xD

I think what they were trying to convey was the length of the chain is the age of which she got into the accident (12 years) and when you see her on the stained glass that's all her memories up to the accident. The black part is all the memories she cant have. and because of the chain she cant access any further. The sheep after it eats all the grass (memories) it will starve to death from lack of new grass (because the sheep ate all the grass roots an all, nothing new can grow) so no new memories can grow.

Yes! I loved that analogy! It was another great episode, I pretty much like everything about it so far.




[H+] ³  
Nov 5, 2007 11:49 PM

Jun 2007
does anyone get the idea that Chihiro should just make a manga? After watching this episode it made allot of sense to me. This could possibly link them all together in the end. Manga boy could draw it up and then the camera kid turns the manga into a live action movie using her sister as the main character on the island. Everyone wins in end :P.

Anyway great ep cant wait till the next one.

Updated Chart:

and yes I know I'm missing Renji and the blond kids mom's. I didn't add them since their not main characters and wont add them to much much later. Also, yes I know I didnt change the color of the arror for the blog kid and the sister to love yet. I did this because we are not 100% sure he has a "love connection" with her. It could have just been a cliff hanger at the end. Next ep it could be something entirely different (ex. Will you go out with the beach so I can catch you on video...etc).
DeathfireDNov 5, 2007 11:52 PM
Nov 6, 2007 2:49 AM

Oct 2007
Indeed the punch was lovely at the beginning :P
Kyosuke -> Kei -> Hiro <- Miyako is going to be a nice touch, its lovely how they all mixed up together :P
I love the fact that you can get one character and go all around to meet another one, as they all seem to be somehow related. Its like a simpler version of Lost!

Chihiro - Renji is getting along lovely as well, i loved the way Renji was cooking and they were talking about him, and he was listening :P lol
I feel really bad about Chihiro as how they showed herself chained with the metaphore... i felt for her ;(
Nov 6, 2007 6:46 AM

Sep 2007
yes and when renji read that book it was another great part of the story
i wonder how it will end <_<
and that "will you go out with me" was interesting too^^

but i wont say the chihiro X Renji is boring but i dont think there could be happen alot
while the hiro X Kei X Miya X kyoosuke or whatever XD
have more than enough story development
Nov 6, 2007 8:23 AM

Sep 2007
The metaphor was a great part and it was interesting to see that even when she was younger, Kei was still feeling ignored. It's not something that just happened with the appearance of Miyako; it's been going on for years now.

I wonder if Kyosuke really likes Miyako because he was way too blunt/confident with asking her out. Then again, there are guys who have no problem doing so but it still makes you wonder.

Oh yeah and Renji's hair really bothers me >.<;;
IriyaNov 6, 2007 8:57 AM
Nov 6, 2007 9:28 AM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
DeathfireD said:
does anyone get the idea that Chihiro should just make a manga? After watching this episode it made allot of sense to me. This could possibly link them all together in the end. Manga boy could draw it up and then the camera kid turns the manga into a live action movie using her sister as the main character on the island. Everyone wins in end :P.
Hahaha, nice.

Iriya said:
Oh yeah and Renji's hair really bothers me >.<;;
Me as well!!! And I thought I was the only one!

Liked this episode as well. I was shocked to see how much Miyako seemed to truly understand the situation. I'm wondering if she isn't really smart and that's why she so easily bored (Kimikiss anyone?? xD)

The metaphor was great. Glad they didn't make us wait any long for Chirio's back story. I'm wondering if that blue haired chick is some sort of angel, and who she's searching for (since she seems to be visiting all the characters). Basically, can't wait for more xD
Nov 6, 2007 2:28 PM

Aug 2007
I thought I was the only anti-Renji's-hair. mwahaha our numbers are growing
Nov 6, 2007 2:42 PM

Oct 2007
Ahh, the story's really starting to get awesome. Loved this ep, especially what happened with Chihiro and Renji. I hope they become an official couple soon :<

And omg, you Renji's hair haters! D:
Nov 6, 2007 3:02 PM

Sep 2007
MajorAddiction said:
I thought I was the only anti-Renji's-hair. mwahaha our numbers are growing

Seriously, he can go on all the rides at amusement parks because his hair'll give him a couple extra inches to pass the minimum height bar :P
Nov 6, 2007 9:02 PM

Nov 2006
I think his hair is annoying but cute. I'm actually pretty close to faving him atm, he seems like a really kind-hearted guy.

Watched all 5 eps today, I'm liking this series more than I thought I would.
My favorite couple and characters are Renji and Chihiro =)
And I dislike Kei, though she'll have other things on her mind now with Tsutsumi's confession.
Nov 6, 2007 10:18 PM

Jul 2007
MajorAddiction said:
I thought I was the only anti-Renji's-hair. mwahaha our numbers are growing

Add another to the anti-renji's hair 'group'!

But seriously, another great episode. Animation blew me away as usual. And God, I can't wait for the next episode. Though I wish the purpose of the angel would be revealed. She just shows up randomly, gives you a few lines and poof, shes gone.

Hmm Kyosuke and Kei would make an interesting couple, but I don't think he's really interested in her, just interested in filming her. I'm still for Kei and Hiro~!
Nov 6, 2007 10:46 PM

Apr 2007
Man, this anime to me is Fall 2007's best series. I'm loving every bit of it.

But dammit, why are they making Kei so sad. T_T
Nov 7, 2007 4:48 AM
Aug 2007
Part of the anti-renji's hair group! Episode was nice and Chihiro at the ending..... but Kei..there always HAS to be a girl who's always jealous because of sum other girl and causes herself to be sad
Nov 7, 2007 4:01 PM

Jul 2007
Good ep :)
Nov 7, 2007 6:48 PM

Oct 2007
I never really liked Kei to begin with, really. The way she is always making excuses to hide her feelings and how she is always trying to get Hiro to go to school. I mean, you can tell Hiro is living out his dream as a manga artist already. I can sympathize with her for her guilt and inability to confess, but her jealousy is really irritating. Miyako seems like the better match for Hiro, anyways, in my opinion, and despite appearances, she proved to be extremely clever and resolute in this episode.

I'm still really enjoying Renji and Chihiro's relationship. It's cute; I wonder how this relationship will change Chihiro's outlook on her life.
Nov 7, 2007 11:11 PM

Oct 2007
is it me or is there going to be something along the lines of renji helping chihiro out with her memory problem???
Nov 9, 2007 11:20 AM

Apr 2007
I don't really quite Kei either. Maybe it's because I can be jealous too, and it's not a part of me I'm proud of. Or maybe because she's willing to hurt those around her because of that jealousy. I don't care the reason, I just don't like her and I want more Chihiro screentime! More romance! I loved when Miya pwned Kei though. Genius work.

And agreed on Renji's hair. God, it's disturbing.
Nov 9, 2007 11:36 AM

Oct 2007
AngelLily said:
I loved when Miya pwned Kei though. Genius work.

Hehe, yeah, that was pretty awesome. She was told XD
Nov 9, 2007 7:19 PM

Apr 2007

So much hate towards Kei. >.< She's my favorate character from ef so far. I guess I just find her cute.
Nov 9, 2007 8:32 PM

Jun 2007
chihiro and renji seems to be going forward, i loved the scene where people talked about him behind his back... literally
its good to know that probably all of the characters here are related to each other, for some reason, it just feels like the right thing
miya is my fave though, she seems smart, cute, and she knows how to cook, sorry kei fans, miya hiro all the way

cant wait till next ep... and so bad the anime is only 12 eps =(
Nov 9, 2007 9:09 PM

Oct 2007
MM805 said:

So much hate towards Kei. >.< She's my favorate character from ef so far. I guess I just find her cute.

Hehe, sorry, I guess we all have our favorites.
Nov 12, 2007 10:46 AM

Jul 2007
AegisReborn said:
I never really liked Kei to begin with, really. The way she is always making excuses to hide her feelings and how she is always trying to get Hiro to go to school. I mean, you can tell Hiro is living out his dream as a manga artist already. I can sympathize with her for her guilt and inability to confess, but her jealousy is really irritating. Miyako seems like the better match for Hiro, anyways, in my opinion, and despite appearances, she proved to be extremely clever and resolute in this episode.

Nov 14, 2007 2:50 AM

Apr 2007
This truly is one hell of an anime. Damn, love it, everything about it. (except for Renji having same seiyuu as Riku from claymore... Everynow and then i just can't help but feel sad when im hearing his voice :(...) But really, this is amazing stuff.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 16, 2008 3:20 AM

Feb 2008
Another great episode =D
This anime is quickly burning through my ranks. If it keeps getting this good (which I think it will), it might reach my Top 10 before I finish it =P

On a side note, I really need to get my hands on the full OP song.
Mar 15, 2008 3:44 AM

Feb 2008
Haha! I need to sleep. This is really getting in my nerves. I love this show. Overall, it looks like it is PERFECT.
Apr 5, 2008 6:35 PM

Apr 2007
This episode made me love Miya even more after she managed to brush off all of Kei's critisims and make her reflect on the real reasons for her agitation. On the other hand this episode also lowered my impression of Kei after they showed how her sister's accident came about. While I know she would never have wanted her sister to become seriously injured, it's still an unfortunate product of her selfishness that she must find a way to overcome.

Kyosuke is looking like he'll finally start to take more screentime now. After that last line at Hiro's house, I want to see more of what he's going to do.

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
May 20, 2008 10:42 PM

Dec 2007
Alright now that Kyosuke and Hiro have met up the former will be getting a lot more screen time and things will be getting a lot more interesting. On the side of Chihiro and Renji, it's good to see that they've started that novel and it should be interesting to see what they write about in it.

May 21, 2008 11:13 PM

May 2008
i didnt see the accident scene coming. at least... not as kei's fault. thats just terrible. it was a very touching episode.
Jun 9, 2008 10:25 PM

Jun 2008
babykeiji said:
Haha! I need to sleep. This is really getting in my nerves. I love this show. Overall, it looks like it is PERFECT.

xD I know what you mean... *twitching from lack of sleep* *drinks huge cup of coffee* It's just ADDICTING!!! M-must finish b-before caffine rush w-wears off O_e

The only thing that I wonder about is why Hiro never talks to Chihiro.... they were close in the past and he KNEW about the accident.. so why is Kei the only one who ever gets in touch with her?? At first I thought Hiro didn't know about Chihiro... but that was obviously wrong -_-".... *sigh* I guess I'll find out if I stay awake long enough to watch some more ^^

StabbyPWNSJun 20, 2008 5:15 AM

Sig WILL change soon~
Jun 26, 2008 5:19 PM

Oct 2007
I loved the 'sheep' part ... it's like a CD.. you don't have 'memories' in the middle [middle = first years, until you can 'remember'] and there's a limit on your memories [12 years in her case] and you can always record a little more 'memories' [overburn =P].

CD Memory .. Chained Sheep ^^

idk if you noticed, but his parents know Chihiro .. I bet there's some backstory to it... =]

.. Miya vs Kei remembers me of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni =3
Sep 9, 2008 2:11 PM

Jul 2008
It was sad how Chihiro got injured, she looked so happy to when she saw them.
Oct 23, 2008 2:52 PM

Aug 2008
Faust721 said:
Another great episode. I just can't get enough of the art direction, excellent stuff. I'm really enjoying all the confrontations/meetings between the characters, as well as the little bit of the past. Loved the puch Kei threw at the beginning and the little bit with Mayu and Kei. Chihiro and Renji's story is really good as well. I just love their conversations since it's with a "different" Chihiro each time. I want more of this show, looking forward to the next episode.

Agreed! I can't get enough of it either!
Love the Opening too! xD
Oct 28, 2008 4:13 AM

Oct 2008
Ugh. Miya acts like a know it all brat that doesn't give a crap about anything but herself.
Kei's jealousy is a little much but Miya's just a @#$%& about things.
Nov 8, 2008 5:06 PM

Jun 2008
The art and style is so awesome.

Really liking how we know about the back stories and such now and how they're interconnected...

Dec 20, 2008 1:42 PM

Oct 2008
Great episode, loved the punch as well and how Kei said it was lucky she didn't use her right hand, lol'd at that. Also the scene where Renji was cooking was funny as well. The part about the accident was also a shock to me.

Loving this anime so far =D.
Dec 22, 2008 4:53 AM

Aug 2008
Miyako said such awesome words <3 Chihiro's story was also brilliant!
I love this anime *_____*
Jan 2, 2009 9:42 PM

Dec 2008
Awesome. No signs of letting up, this one. The stories are flowing nicely and realistically, which is a bonus, and I simply can't get enough of how everything's portrayed (the style). It's unlike anything I've ever seen and is quite simply brilliant.

Dango, dango, dango, dango, dango, daikazoku~

Jan 29, 2009 11:09 PM

Nov 2007
So Chihiro gets to go to Renji's home :3, not sure what to think of her story at this point but the scene where she is chained seems deep, and what are you doing Hirono D:?
Mar 15, 2009 2:24 PM

Aug 2008
Miyako vs. Kei: PWNED!
Jul 18, 2009 3:35 AM
Apr 2009
Kei got owned.
Jun 1, 2010 8:45 AM

Nov 2008
I liked the sheep-in-chain analogy. I feel sad for Kei, and for some reason I do not want her to end up with the blonde guy. It would seem like he would just use her or something.
Jan 25, 2011 12:07 PM

Aug 2010
Once again, Renji's hair annoys the crap outta me. Hope that eye patch gets explained soon.

So she actually IS a brocon? Oh, this is getting good...
Feb 6, 2011 6:54 PM

May 2010
ClementIV said:
I liked the sheep-in-chain analogy. I feel sad for Kei, and for some reason I do not want her to end up with the blonde guy. It would seem like he would just use her or something.

Agreed. I also strongly sympathize with Kei. I have a hard time recognizing and expressing my emotions as well.
Aug 4, 2011 10:09 AM

Mar 2011
Poor Chihiro. Kei must feel pretty guilty.
Nov 8, 2011 12:22 AM

Feb 2009
The direction it's taking... it's pretty darn interesting.
Nov 12, 2011 12:16 AM

Jun 2011
This anime just keep getting interesting~ Can't stop watching it anymore =3
Apr 8, 2012 12:43 PM

May 2010
The story is all over the place.
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