i swear if 1 of you said minesweeper is all luck, you have smoll pp

. those number in hexagon is not a decoration xD
1 = 1 knife around the six side of that plate
2 = 2 knife around the six side of that plate
3 = etc.
if u got (1), try somewhere else or 1 side of that plate.
if u got (2) or (3), be careful, prolly just go try other plate that isn't near that plate.
dont rush shits. just take it slowly. the faster u go, the faster u got stabby stab stab and pepperino.
(!) is a knifu uw- chan.
(?) is probably safe depends on other plates near it.
if u pick 1 plate and got (1).
(?) (?) (?)
try other side of that plate, like this.
(1) (?) (?)
if you got this... you know that (!) is a knifu. so dont pick that if you dont want to get stabby stab stab.
(1) (!) (1)
If u continue to right side and you got this...
...(1)(1) (1)
(1) (!) (1) (3)
...(1)(1) (1)
dont press the plate near the (3). mark it with (cat) or right click as a probability of a knifu gone stab stab. like this
...(1)(1) (1) (C)
(1) (!) (1) (3) (C)
...(1)(1) (1) (C)
Then pick next plate close to the cat plate like next side but carefull on another (2) & (3) plate. if it comes like this.
...(1)(1) (1) (!) (3) (!)
(1) (!) (1) (3) (!) (2)
...(1)(1) (1) (!) (2)
Congratulation you mark it right. and you properly think

You got 4 mistake. so calmly pick your choice, like your life choice.
If my explanation is hard to understand, try to ask almighty god of demonetize, Youtube.